Florence Minch Diaries – Glossary                                                                   


Al.: Alice Minch Stockwell, sister

B's: Paul & Katherine Buyse family

Benj.: Benjamina, African workman

break: abbreviation for breakfast

C.: Claudon, son

C.E.H.: Charles E. Hurlburt, General Director of the Africa Inland Mission from 1897 to 1925.

Cl/Cls.: Claudon Stauffacher/family

Co.: Cora Minch Brunemeier, sister

Costermansville: former name of Bukavu

D.: probably refers to Downing

debe: (de'-bbeh) metal drum

Duka: (Swahili) Small general merchandise shop geared to serve natives. Also any shop or store.

Gl.: Gladys Stauffacher

goi: small seeds, grain, similar to quinoa

H.: probably refers to Hurlburt

Hotel: the Ruwenzori Hotel at Mutwanga

Jno: common abbreviation for “John”. Early on Florence used “JW” for John W. Stauffacher.

K's: Stanley & Carmel Kline family

Kijabe: (Kee-job'-ee) mission station, train station and hill on edge of Rift Valley

Lake: Lake Edward, Ishango, scenic spot overlooking where Semiliki river exits Lake Edward. In Albert
        National Park

Lo.: Lora Minch Butzbach, sister

M.: Mulungit, Masai convert

M.A.: Mary Anne Stauffacher

Mas.: Masikini, name of houseboy. Kingwana/Swahili (mas-ee-kee'-nee) translates to “poor person/beggar”

matabisi: (mah-tah-bee'-see) reward

Met.: Metusela, African workman

Mulungit: A Masai convert who was very active in the mission work.

Mwenda: another name for Ruwenzori mission station

Paa: Swahili name for deer, or Suni, a small antelope

Park: “the Park”-Albert National Park, now Virunga National Park

pembe (pem'-beh) Kingwana. White clay slurry used for whitewashing

Quarantine: a government station near Mt. Suswa whose purpose was to stop the spread of cattle

R.: Raymond, son

R.V.A.: Rift Valley Academy, Africa Inland Mission boarding school at Kijabe.

Rw: Ruwenzori mission station near Mutwanga and Beni, Congo

Siabei: (See-ah-bay') Mission station among Masai, near Narok, Kenya. Also spelled “Siyabei”.

Tagi: A Masai convert who was very active in the mission work.

TT: Tanganyika Territory; or Teacher Training.

W's: Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Williams


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