Florence Minch Stauffacher Diary 1908                                                                    Index

Inside front cover:

My Private Diary

Florence Priscilla Minch Stauffacher

A gift from

Lora Catherine Minch Butzbach”


1, Wed.

Clear. Windy. This year opens and finds us “not in”. We have been camping on Guaso Narok since a week ago. Are having an enjoyable and profitable time catching fish.

This book with the other mail was sent to camp to us. J. can't now nor ever will be able to keep it so I will.

2, Thur.

This is Albert B's birthday. May he have many more in China. They are no doubt in their own house by this time.

Filled the large jar with fish today. Sent a large & a small jar home yesterday. As all are full now we shall spent tomorrow in writing.

Wish I could fill up all the blank spaces in this book.

3, Fri.

Clear. P.M. Very windy. Have decided to call this “Camp Ants”. The most of the A.M. & some P.M. was spent in letter writing. J. wrote Gm' pa among others.

The men returned about 3 P.M. with a whole kikabo of mail. many presents. We will be kept very busy getting all read.

4, Sat.

Warm & windy. Moved camp today. Went to first falls. Took a picture of 2nd falls. Had fun crossing the river. After taking off shoes, stocks, putties & all bandages and crossing & putting on again – we only went a few steps & found there was more to wade, but by the help of a few stones we jumped it. Were all settled before dinner. Finished reading “The Virginian”. Had a bath in river.

5, Sun.

First thing as soon as the sun was up we had a picture of the falls. Two really, to put side by side.

After breakfast we took a long walk. found a rhino had been about very near some time during the night. The river is beautiful along here. Walked until tired then sat under a tree and read “Audrey”. J. is reading this aloud. I read “Virginian”. Wrote letters a while then napped. The flies are terrible here.

The Falls roars awfully. This eve we crossed above the falls & took a long walk. Found a better path than we had before. Had headache all P.M. & eve.

Spent the evening reading. Put a few things together for starting in morning.

6, Mon.

Got up about 4:30. Glad to be getting back home but sorry to have our so called “honey moon trip” over. Left camp all together at 5:40. Was delightful walking. Got here at 10:30. It seems nice to get back again. Miss Slater had a lovely dinner. We bathed this eve. Hope next time we come from safari we can go onto our veranda.

7, Tues.

Still windy. Washed all but woolens today. I have such a ferocious appetite. The girls go on with school work. Mulungit has his eye on a wife. A girl at Dr. Crawfords. Will take a letter for the Dr. and leave tomorrow to see about her. He saw Lembirs today, who says he will come in a day or two.

Every one seems happy & contented.

8, Wed.

Alice finished hospital work today. 2 yrs. Boys ironed. Massaria was wild about getting to the Fort to buy sheep that were sold today for hut tax. He could scarcely get breakfast then found they aren't sold 'til evening.

I got supper. Baked bread. Pretty good. Sent the letters after school. Had prayerm't'g at girls rooms tonight. Also phono'ph.

9, Thur.

After all the fuss Massaria bo't no sheep. He is very trying some of these days. Kawanga came today. Would like to stay. Think we will keep him. Am writing Cora Beth, have been owing her ever so long. J. finished one desk for the school room today. The boys seem very pleased. They are in the little grass temp. room put up just before Xmas.

10, Fri.

J's foot troubled him ever so much today. Slept very little last night. If it still troubles in the morning I shall poultice it. One of the men flooded the cutings after being told not to water them. J. moved them all. Made the frame & put black board on. Masaria washed flannels & blankets & two safari comforters. Porters came.

11, Sat.

This has been an off day. Mutu Nyingi had 4 porters that weren't signed on & so weren't paid. They went to Mr. C. who sent us a letter but not at first understanding the case was satisfied when explained. Masaria was very trying in the kitchen as he had company & couldn't work so he was sent away 'til this eve. Girls unpacked. I baked lots of cookies. As we went for our walk we very plainly saw hippo & little one – walked across open place toward hill. J's foot not so painful.

12, Sun.

Slept late. Seems we can't get enough sleep. After breakfast sang and talked for two hours or more. Two of Massagondi's wives called & bro't milk. Also a girl from that kraal. Miss N. gave them some trinkets from her trinkets box – given her by a store keeper at home – and which she knew nothing of until she unpacked yesterday.

Had Kikuyu meeting at the kraal and boys meeting at the schoolhouse. Our own Eng. meeting at 4 here at our house.

Started a letter to Lora. Wrote Miss Parker-Brown. Masaria is nice as pie. Read & slept.

13, Mon.

Wrote to Mrs. Gam. and letter for printing. Got clothes ready for washing.

Fixed up loin cloth and coat for Kawanga. J. put down mud in half of dining room – tried it on the walls too. Will be alright we think. Miss Slater worked at her boxes all P.M.

14, Tues.

Wind & clouds. Small foreign mail; only 2 letters Mama & Warren. Wrote Mrs. Downing. J. finished the floor today. Cracks pretty badly for the wind blows thro' awfully.

Girls had a great time getting across the river for Mulungits krall today. Had baked bananas for supper. Masaria washed. Shanga helpt. Wrote at Lo's letter.

15, Wed.

More wind & clouds. Looked quite threatening this eve. Spent most all A.M. getting letters & a box of seeds for James ready.

Had corn soup for dinner. Miss Slaters recipe. Masaria caught two partridges. Shall try a pie tomorrow.

Didn't finish Lo's letter after all. Had turnips & potatoes mashed together according to Miss N's recipe. Both feeling tired. J. worked very hard at laying stones.

16, Thur.

Very windy & a sprinkle. J. in the house all day & in bed part of the day. This A.M. I poulticed his foot, as it was gathering and pained much. Made peanut butter. Had the pie for desert for dinner but found it pretty large. Baked ginger bread. Corn bread for breakfast this morn and enough left for tomorrow.

Am reading “Jap-Women” while the language recitation is going on. J's foot feels better this eve. He played – I wrote.

17, Fri.

J's foot seems much better; but his stomach and bowels are upset. Staid in bed all A.M. My stomach is very bad too. Threw up all my supper. Hope I can rest better. Neither rested very well last night. The swamp is afire. Looks very pretty tonight. Its in the right direction that we get no smoke. Not much mail.

18, Sat.

Tonight the fire is not in the right direction for we get lots of smoke. J. worked in the garden all day. Transplanted 6 rows of the runnerless berries, besides seeds of several sorts. After supper started several fires to save Eucalyptus and garden fence. Men cut papyrus all day. Think there's enough cut now. Bathed just before retiring. The air in the house is like a London peasoup fog.

19, Sun.

Very threatening. Had breakfast even later than usual. Sang awhile after.

J. read then slept. I read all the last papers. Tried to catch up. Had green tomato pie for dinner. It was new to Misses Sl. & N. but they both liked it.

Rested a little after dinner then went to the kraal & had Kikuyu meeting. Then to the school house & had Masai service then our own Eng. service. The sun was very very hot today. Had tinned apples for supper which were not very good.

Took our usual walk. The swamp looks very black & queer since the fires. It still burns some. J. played I started a letter to Mama. Sprinkled a very little.

20, Mon.

B's birthday. Cloudy – rain. Had quite a heavy rain just at supper time and after. J. worked at wall this A.M. and garden all P.M. Put 7 men in girls part. Two went to the Indians for me this eve. Have decided to throw out all the fish. The jars are so porous the salt goes thro'. Girls staid here for language.

21, Tues.

Some rain. Masaria & Shanga washed. M. killed sheep. Gave us liver etc. J. worked part A.M. then felt too ill to keep at it so went to bed until about 4 when we wanted to go to the garden & it started to rain. Went later. Cuttings from home & Kijabe are doing quite well. Little foreign mail. Almanac came. Wrote letters to Kijabe & Mrs. Rhoad. Glass for windows has been sent. Men go Thur.

22, Wed.

Little sprinkle. Snake in school this morning. A number of the boys are about sick with colds. Developed films but some aren't very good I fear. Enochs elephant is very poor. Prayerm't'g after class. Made blue berry pie – of the berries from shrub. It was good. Fried liver & gravy. Fine too. Boy bro't a hare.

23, Thur.

Today had stew of liver and heart. The two men went to Gilgil for glass and the girls things. Had heavy rain this eve. John worked at songs. I copied notes of “Even me”. Got no letter writing done. Printed some pictures but 3 of the seven are not at all good. Elephant & the two of the rocks. Just why I don't know.

24, Fri.

Only mail for us was a letter from Mr. Downing on his way down country with Mr. R. to find a new station. Wrote late at mama's letter. J went to bed. Had rabbit stew and dumplings. Girls seemed to enjoy it all. No one received any money. May come next mail.

25, Sat.

Took the fish jars back on the hill this eve and broke them. Tried Lo's cake recipe & it got too brittle so used it as pudding. Baked bread coffee cake biscuits & buns. A few turn-overs too. Bathed this eve. Read in bed.

Must have taken cold – my eyes feel sore and my ears don't hear right. Hope I'll not have permanent trouble in that line.

26, Sun.

Up in good time and had a long walk before breakfast. Afterwards sang and played – just we two – then took a walk to Mr. C's garden and on return sat under a tree & read from Miss Nisher's book “Bernard of Clairvaux”.

Napped before dinner & read after. At 2:30 went to Kraal for Kikuyu meeting, then to school for Masai & ours after that. Have headache – from the sun I think. Wrote Mrs. Goodman. Took long walk after supper. J read Josephus.

Enoch's sister-in-law & children have come to stay here.

Mulungit has not yet returned.

27, Mon.

Worked at walls – and put down rest of mud floor in the bedroom. This P.M. J. dismissed the men as they didn't start work until two. He worked in the garden. Have decided to do nothing with the walls until we can plaster. Will begin puddling mud for b-room tomorrow.

28, Tues.

Received Rs 125. check also straightened matters with Miss Nisher. [Elma Elizabeth Nischer Barnett] She pd. us board to Feb. 10. Called on Mr. C. Very busy as he has just returned from safari. He expects Mr. Bagg any day. Had Kippered Herring for supper. Bro't several books to read. Are reading “Ayesha” Rider Haggard. I copied notes of Wandering Sheep while J read. Wrote Mrs. Gam. & sent Mrs. S's letters.

29, Wed.

Worked at mending – all spare time. The food question is the problem. We want men to go for the box of window panes at Gilgil also for potatoes but they say they have no food and can't go. We have little enough ourselves. No meat to be had either. Had m't'g together with the boys tonight.

30, Thur.

Decided to move into the house a week from Sat. We can't seem to find anything to eat and do not like to have boarders when we can't have more variety. If we were alone one thing would do but not when we are together. Started sewing mats today. J. read at “Ayesha” & I sewed. Wrote at mama's letter a little.

31, Fri.

Already one month gone. The men went to Gilgil for window panes that the other men didn't bring, will also bring potatoes. We sent 4 & the girls 1. Had to give them their food tho'. Set up Miss Slaters stove & put together her bureau. Both in pretty good condition. Foreign mail.


1, Sat.

Bread etc baked fine today. All done by dinner time. Baked 1 egg layer. It got nice too. Washed my hair. J. is in writing all day. Returned Miss Hope's Sample sewing book. Went to bed early read at “Ayesha” until quite late.

Had a nice long walk this eve.

2, Sun.

Ada's 31 birthday. Had sickheadache when I awakened just before light. Makes me feel annoyed and cross. If I were like some people I could control my feelings and be pleasant even tho' my head does ache but I can't seem to do it. I need some terrible lesson along that line then perhaps I can.

We had our meeting at 9 this A.M. Think we'll like it so. Then had the Kikuyu & Masai meeting together because some old Masai women came in just at meeting time also Mutu Nyingi with his people. They bro't potatoes etc.

Read all evening and late at Ayesha. J. wore his slipper today. Almost 3 months wearing a sandal.

3, Mon.

Masaria got an extra move on him this morning. Had break. ready before time & wash water carried while we were eating. Girls signed on 3 men. 2 to Nakuru & one for in the garden. Had roast meat, gravy & sweet potatoes. Very fine. Picked all corn & beans. Read late.

4, Tues.

Masaria was very slow with washing today. Had stew for dinner. Am trying to sort o' get things together to take over. J was working at front sitting room wall and made a foolish move falling from the frame he was standing on & stones & box fell onto him. His head was cut a little and several other bruises. Nothing serious. Some foreign mail. Dr. Kumm's book & present (cushion) from Al.

5, Wed.

Had no Masai lesson tonight nor regular prayerm't'g but talked and discussed treatment of boys. I laundered my white outfit. Did not get very nice. Mulungit has been gone four weeks today & we haven't had a word from him. Scarcely know what to think.

6, Thur.

Began taking down pictures and moving trunks and books. J. made a nice large case and all will go in nicely.

We shall sleep here for the last time tonight. I almost hate to leave the dear old hut. Sent “Ayeshia” back to Mr. C's yesterday and are reading “Tom B's School Days”.

7, Fri.

Here we are. In the new house. Have all bedroom things here and many dining room things but eat breakfast there yet. There was no school & all boys helped move. Mulungit & Wangaosia returned this eve. M. very thin but glad to get back.

8, Sat.

Dinner today 1st meal here. Hard at it all day but tonight feel pretty well settled in the two rooms. And the ladies are getting things fixed very easy. We about decided to put up cook house while working here and chapel later. It is not very convenient to have stove in dining room. M. bro't about 60 eggs for us. Am so glad. Took a long walk after dinner. Seems so nice to be here.

9, Sun.

Tried our new scheme for Sunday program. Our Eng. service at 9 A.M. & breakfast immediately after. Read, nap and walk until 2 then have Kikuyu meeting followed by Masai and dinner at 4. Then walk until dark. Like it very well. Masaria can't seem to catch on to the hang of things yet. May another time. Mulungit came for a talk. He is thin but seems well. Mr. H. wants him to come & get a young bull he has for him. I hope he need not go. He is so far back in his school work. Started Cora's letter tonight. Reading Tom Brown's School Days.

10, Mon.

I did all the school work this A.M. and let the girls work at their things. Hard to handle all at once. J. goes to the garden an hour with the boys every morning. Is trying the plaster or mud the men have puddled – in the dining room. Looks very nice. Started to cut rags for rug.

11, Tues.

Large mail. Mr. H. writes to know whether 'twill be convenient to have Mr. Barnett & Mr. Trisco come up here to learn the language. I feel so disappointed about it but of course something must be done and if Justin is not well enough I don't know what else can be done. The girls are pretty well settled. No class. M. was here for talk.

12, Wed.

Boys all came up for prayerm't'g. After meeting Miss S. had the gramophone agoing for quite a while.

Got off quite a number of letters today. Ruthi and Kamangu leave tomorrow for Kikuyu country to get food.

13, Thur.

Did a little of every thing & not much of any thing. Am not going to class any more until they get to more words that I don't know. Did mending. Finished little butterfly battenburg piece. Have nothing for centre tho'.

Lora's linen pieces, which came Tues, do fine on the machine.

14, Fri.

Oneidas 8 birthday. A letter from James including one from Mr. Harrison was the only mail that came.

Am feeling very uncomfortable today. My stomach acts much as it did while J. was away. Nothing wants to stay down. Was lying down most all day.

15, Sat.

Feel somewhat better but not alright.

Finished a letter to Lora. J. laid front veranda steps yesterday. This A.M. worked in the garden. Put in more potatoes and peas. Cleaned up first strip south of gate. Looks nice now. Bathed this P.M.

16 Sun.

Slept quite late. Had a little cheese and finished eating the zwiebel kuchen for early lunch. Had meeting at 9 and breakfast at 10. Read. Napped until 2 P.M. Then went for Kikuyu meeting in the kraal and after that the Masai boys meeting. Then dinner and a long walk. This eve the ladies were over for a sing. Thoebe's sister, Musaigo, and Ngasogwans cousin, Kitsia, have both taken off all ornaments and put on dresses. They do look so much more comfortable. Musaigo's arms and ankles are very marked & scarred from the wires.

17, Mon.

Girls want to wash tomorrow so I gave up kettle & a tub, but Masaria had the water already carried which I don't suppose he will like very well.

Took walk before supper and set fire to grass along the swamp. J. took medicine to Ngasogwan tonight.

18, Tues.

Word came today from Mr. Riebe that 9 loads were sent to Gilgil for us. Mr. H. & Alta repacked. The men leave tomorrow for them. We had to give them food as they have none. How glad we shall be to get them all here. Letter from Mrs Johnston too. They expect a little visitor first part of May. Made the box for table linen today. Will put on cloth tomorrow.

19, Wed.

The men left with no more words. Masaria washed and cleaned tins for back of book case.

J. put in a piece of the veranda railing. Looks splendid.

Prayerm't'g after class. Most all the boys were up. Started bread but it doesn't look very lively.

20, Thur.

J. put doors on bookcase. Made them very nice. Also put in another shelf. I put some of the green flowered cloth Mother S. gave me, onto the doors as we have no glass.

J. wrote for more window glasses. Wrote Grace Switzer this eve. Bro't up flowers from the garden.

21, Fri.

Another piece of the railing put in today. Now its all in from last corner to steps.

Baked yesterday and it is simply horrid. Wouldn't rise for some reason or other. Next week I'll put yeast in. J. says he'd be started back if he were the men.

22, Sat.

Perhaps they will start back today but more likely not 'til tomorrow. J. put back of tin on the book case. Men (3) made brick for finishing the chimney. Sent the class letter. M. tied his cattail quilt I made for him ever so long ago. Very windy. Sprinkled just a little. Men finished mud floor of study room yesterday. Ruthi returned.

23, Sun.

Read and napped until time to get up. Meetings and eatings as usual except no Kikuyu service as there are only 3 or 4 here.

J. still counts the days until the boxes get here.

Went toward the Iam for our usual walk but saw fresh rhino tracks and returned and went the other direction. Little shower bro't us in. Went to the girls' for a sing.

Almost finished Geikies “Life of Christ”. Finished “Called Back” one of Collyars books. Don't expect to start any more.

Girls tried our way of eating on Sun. but don't seem to like it very well.

24, Mon.

Papa's 59th birthday. First words J. said when he awakened were “Do you know what? The boxes come tomorrow”. I suddenly decided to wash today and Masaria got thro' nicely. Went to class tonight – shall take in the review. Wrote Mrs. Owen.

25, Tues.

The men got here before dinner. Have unpacked all and found none of the books, nor mill. Everything was damp as there had been much rain on the path. Such a lot of lovely stuff from both places. A splendid rocking chair from father S's. Very easily put together. No mail. No class – two of the girls sick.

26, Wed.

Drying and trying to find a place for all the things. One two quart jar of dried apples was broken to smithereens. I washed and redried apples. Think they are alright now. Am writing this with the new fountain pen – it's very fine. Prayerm't'g & class.

27, Thur.

Mama's 54th birthday. Gordon R's 1st and we've not seen him yet. Had P.M. tea on the little part of the veranda that's finished. M. had his first Eng. Bible reading today. J. finished rail & posts on South steps. Went to class. Bro't violets from garden planted them in biscuit tin. Decided to finish reading Micah Clarke.

28, Fri.

Took a long walk tonight. Took checked goods over to Miss Slater to discuss how to make it. Told her we expect our little visitor the middle of July. Didn't go to class as they had short lesson. Still on review. Wrote Mrs. H. Not a scrap of mail for one of us.

29, Sat.

Baked 1 egg layer – with sour milk. It got very nice. Boiled apples and prunes. Couldn't pay up the men fully. Hope we get some soon. J. doesn't feel well. Had our baths this P.M. This new safety razor goes splendid. Both wrote letters until noon. J. wanted to finish ditches in boys gardens but they didn't go to help so he stopt.


1, Sun.

After meeting and breakfast we took a walk back thro' the bush found a nice place to sit down and read awhile. Had usual meetings all day, but very hard either to show much interest or to arouse much. So very warm and sultry. We do hope to soon have rain. The sun is so hot and penetrating. Took a walk this eve. Talked of sundry things. J. played & I read but most too warm to do any thing but try to keep cool.

Enoch has a spell of the tiffs and M. seems out about something. Troubles of his own no doubt. Sat on the steps until dark.

2, Mon.

Masaria washed. Still very warm but this eve rained and hailed. Turned cool very suddenly. Got windy & blew out the light so we had to retire early. J & all men are in the garden.

Wambogo went to Kikuyu today. Also Shanga to take his sister back. Mr. Collyar & Mr Thorne called.

3, Tues.

The little boys weren't at school this morn so had no kindergarten which we started yesterday. Miss Slater was sick too. J. still in garden. Large mail tody. Frames from China & Mama & papa's picture also home letters. No rain tonight. Still very warm today. Have headache. No class.

4, Wed.

Only Nonyarus and Olkikuyu there so Miss Slater said I could go but soon after I left the other two came so she had her hands full. The little fellows are so active they take lots of watching. Sent a few letters. Enoch came for translation work. Some Kikuyu came with bananas & kikwa. After much talking they sold but first wanted to be paid for bringing.

5, Thur.

Had all the “kiddies” there today. Just as I came home a spell of sickheadache came on. J. feels sort o' grippy too. Had such a long nap this P.M.

Feel so annoyed and cross at every body. It is so warm and the air oppressive. Wish this were Friday. Somehow this week seems very long. Are hoping for rain.

6, Fri.

A little mail but no one had a word from Kijabe. Worse head ache than yesterday. J. feels heavy headed too. Kikuyu in garden. Girls now have 6. J. put in rose cuttings. Large clouds of locusts passed this P.M. Wrote at mama's letter this eve. A little sprinkle.

7, Sat.

J. worked at S.S. charts. Cut off bottoms. Wants to fix all into a book. 'Twill be very nice when finished.

Put patterns on checked dress and the tennis from Emil will almose make J. pajamas. Perhaps by close cutting it may. Had a fair walk tonight. Air is cool and nice.

8, Sun.

Tried the new kerocene stove to heat water for early cocoa. It works alright. After meeting & breakfast we took a long walk back over the hill. Much cooler & pleasanter than last Sun. Read, played & napped. Girls sent pie over for our dinner.

After evening walk sat on the veranda in chairs. The piece back from the steps to the door is finished. J. started to read aloud. “Two Years Ago” by Chas. Kingsley, but only got well started when Miss Slater came over and we talked until dark.

I read Messengers, and in old Journals. J. thinks we can't finish Two Years Ago so didn't read more this eve. No rain.

9, Mon.

Very cold this morning. Decided not to help with kindergarten work any more. Then only Nonyarus was there this morn so Miss Slater didn't stay down either. Sewed at mat and J. worked at veranda floor. His hands are very sore. An old man at M's Kraal wanted to buy Miss N. today.

10, Tues.

Not very much mail and not a word from Kijabe for us. That is none from Mr. H. Alta wrote a note to me in Miss N's. Mabel Ridling's 25 birthday.

Cut out J's blue & green pajamas. Shall always sew after nap. A.M.s will sew at mats.

Feel rather meloncholy today.

11, Wed.

Sent mamas & Aunt Polly's letters. Had a nice letter from Flora Mayer yesterday. Enoch came for translation work. We finished the 50 verses. Shall have all committed in 2 more weeks. Finished one mat for veranda – only part.

12, Thur.

J. works here all A.M. & in garden after 3 P.M. 'Twas so hot in the morning. Finished his pajamas all but buttons & holes. Cut out muslin things. Mended this A.M. Some of the men are putting up a hut to sleep in near the garden to keep animals out at night. They've been very bad lately.

13, Fri.

Not any word from Hurlburt again but a letter from Mrs. Riebe. A large foreign mail. Took me 'til noon to read all the letters aloud while J. worked at veranda. Quite a steady rain this eve. Sounds so loud on this roof. Wrote Harv & Bec.

14, Sat.

Finished the underwear I was sewing at. J. worked at the chart pictures.

Baked a few ginger cookies & a few little cakes of sour milk I had. Used new rolling pin for the first time. Don't feel extra fine tonight. Back aches across kidneys. Took cold, I suppose.

15, Sun.

J. not feeling very well. Staid in bed until 1 P.M. Had no 9 o'clock service & served breakfast on little table beside the bed. Went down for 2 o'clock Kikuyu meeting and had the Masai service after. After dinner took a walk but didn't go very far, neither felt much like walking. When we got back we found the entire family waiting for us. The two little boys – Kawanga & Maribet had had a fight & they all had to come & see how J. would settle it. He did nothing but told them to take care if he heard any more words.

16, Mon.

Washed. I cut out some muslin underwear. J. still at veranda floor every A.M. P.M. goes to the garden. Finds it too hot to work there in early morning. Cut nice lot of roses. Took some of the things out of the sitting room & cleaned up as the ants were coming thro'.

17, Tues.

Letters from Kijabe finally. They unpacked our books by mistake so repacked and sent & our men - 3 - leave in the morning for them. Mrs. Hurlburt wrote a nice letter. She would like to come for a long visit but fears she can't. Mr. says it would do her good & she thinks so too. But no money. J. finished veranda all but east end.

18, Wed.

As we returned from our walk this eve. coming from Collyars garden past our own – just a little ways before us a leopard ran out of the bush and seemed to be going for a drink then seeing us ran into the clump of trees where we sat about a year ago to watch for the hippo.

19, Thur.

Cut out my checked dress. Masaria helped with the mat. it is almost finished. J. put in windows and the front door. Yesterday we picked out enough pieces of glass to fit up the 6 panes that were needed. Put in back dining room window. Cracked two good ones in putting in. Cut lovely roses. Those from the Fort are blooming.

20, Fri.

Today put in side front door and has the one between sitting room & study made, but not hung. Went to Collyars this P.M. Stopt at the Indians to get cash, but he had very little. I made muslin things. Went to meet J. he got red Herrings & so is happy.

21, Sat.

Finished L's letter last eve and got to bed very late. Baked cookies & fruit cake today. This A.M. helped J. with pasting chart pictures on cloth. Had pretty long nap. Sewed a little & bathed. Sent Mr. Baileys money. Paid up the boys. Wrote Ethel & Kinley. Shanga returned today. Good.

22, Sun.

Everything as usual. J. had spell for German songs.

After supper the sun was still quite high so decided to play & sing a while before going for a walk. While thus employed who should come but Mr. Barnett from Kijabe, on his way to Ravine. [Eldama Ravine] Miss Simpson and Miss Slater spent the evening here & let Miss Nisher and Mr. B. fight it out. She, Miss N. received congratulations from people at K. and she knew nothing of the engagement as yet herself. He is to return to Nakuru & meet the up train a week from Tues. on which Mr. H. & the other 5 men go. He sleeps in the dining room tonight.

23, Mon.

Mr. Barnetts men got in this A.M. We hustled around and got the matting trimmed in sitting room and moved the bookcase out also organ and little table and dining room table. Had the girls here to dinner in honor of the occasion. Bread got pretty good.

24, Tues.

Didn't have Masaria iron today. Quite a large mail. Miss N. & Mr. B. out all day. We were there for dinner.

A letter from Mr. H. said Mr. B. should be at Nakuru for Sat. train. We tho't he'd have to leave tomorrow but he will go across country so we can go on with our plans of spending Sun. at the Falls. Books came.

25, Wed.

Today Mr. B. & J went out for the day. Tho't they'd get some pigs but tho' they shot at some they didn't get any. We had tho't of having Miss G. come for July & Mr. H. said so but today said “no”. Boys came up & we had phonograph & games. Prayermeeting tomorrow night.

26, Thur.

Getting things ready for the trip. Baked bread, etc. Boiled and prest meat for sandwiches. Mr. B. was at the girls' for dinner & supper. Finished my kahki safari skirt. We are reading Pickwick papers. All books came on Tues. in perfect condition. Grinder too. Mr. Collyar hasn't called yet. Very tired.

27, Fri.

When about ready to start we found we had more loads than men so had to send for more. Had lunch at cataracts & before he got that far Muragi put down his load & went back so two left their loads & went for others. Hence Mr. B & we had no bedding so all slept in 1 tent & used the girls bedding. Found a recently shot rhino & J. amputated two feet.

28, Sat.

J. fixed up one of the feet last night found the other was no good. Got to the Falls about 3 P.M. got caught in a rain. J & I on the floor & Mr B. in his bed curtained off in our little tent & the girls in Mr. B's tent. Has been showery all P.M. The Falls are very pretty but small. Extra porters & all things came in early this morn. before we started.

29, Sun.

Little did we think last Sun. that today would be spent here. We slept late, had breakfast about 9. Then J & I went exploring. Wandered all around in the woods tho't we could find a “shorter-cut”path. Lots of elephant & rhino tracks allover. We had a splendid time crawling around and losing ourselves then finding us again but not finding the “shortcut” path.

Returned just before the rain and had dinner. After dinner (about 2:30) we had a short service Mr. B. led. Before we had finished Enoch had started a service for the natives. A rainy disageeable evening. Misses Ss came into our tent to let the two alone for the last evening. J. read aloud from “On the Edge of a Moor”.

30, Mon.

Left camp at 6:30. Mr. B. came a little ways with us, then we separated. Got down to first camp in very good time. The girls took the lead & we only rest once for about 5 minutes. Got to camp before 12. Rain much of the time but sunshine when we reached camp. Porters soon came & we got bedding dry before making up beds. Finished reading the book.

31, Tues.

Looked as tho' there would be a big storm so put our tent over the smaller one but we got very little rain. We had half tent curtained off for us. Got a pretty early start and J & I came along fast. Got here before 10, the girls came some later. Are very glad to get here. Have had some heavy rains but not much tonight. Bathed. Garden looks splendid. New Cents instead of pice are given out. Started Quo Vadis for P.M. reading.


1, Wed.

Worked at checked skirt. Didn't bring the foot after all as it was pretty old and would have taken long to fix even if we could have kept it. Barthoili left this morning for a trip to Nairobi. Had no school. M. bro't corn and radishes from his garden. J. worked at the bedstead. Musaigo did bedroom work. Think she'll do very well. Baked bread. Bro't white clematis from the garden up here.

2, Thur.

Mr. Collyar and Mr. Partington called. Mr. P. seems very nice. Much smaller than Mr. C. They went to their gardens from here and had no more than got there when a heavy shower came. Think they must have gotten soaked. Had a talk tonight at the girls' about rearranging the work. Shall finish tomorrow night.

3, Fri.

Letter from Grandpa. Pretty big mail today, but nothing from home. Freeport paper with Globe Nurses Grad. Ex. in. A pretty linen & blue dressing sacque from Chinia, kerchief & collar for birthday also something for J's but didn't open. Have about decided to dismiss Maribet and Miss Slater & I do school work. J & Miss Simpson far Kraals & Miss N. & Mulungit in P.M. near.

4, Sat.

There are many questions to be decided and some very difficult ones about the boys & the work. We can't begin yet on Monday but hope to in another week. Are trying to plan the work so that by & by J & I can take a tent & go out among the people. Then perhaps the girls go while we work here. But do more work at the kraals than has been done.

5, Sun.

Everything as usual except no Kikuyu meeting. I have been so sleepy since home from safari that I spent much time in bed today. Had a walk before breakfast. The sun was very very hot until about 4. Got very dark & threatening but not a drop of rain.

J & I walked to the gardens. All are very bare. The papyrus is burning back of the gardens. Just as we were returning the Coms. both came. Talked a little.

Mosquitos were pretty bad so went to bed & read.

6, Mon.

J. built up the chimney and finished the roof. A little sprinkle. It seems hard work for it to rain. Men returned from Ravine. We didn't expect them so soon. Mr. Hurlburt wasn't there yet on Thurs. Printed velox pictures this eve. Wanted to read long but worked at pictures too long.

7, Tues.

Very cloudy. Good large mail. Telegram from C.E.H. at Londiani also letter saying Mr. B. must be lost as they hadn't seen him. We should send searchers. And Mr. B. was at Ravine one day from them waiting and wondering. No doubt they've found one another ere this. J's 3 music books & Meditation came. Lots of wind & thunder & awful clouds but very little rain. Spent eve at girls.

8, Wed.

Wrote to Al. but couldn't get it finished for mail time. Sent Masaria for meat. Hadn't been able to find the “sparklets” since we moved but run across them Mon. eve in J's trunk. J. in the garden all day – feels stiff & unwell. Prayerm't'g here tonight. Strange boy with M. Rainy night.

9, Thur.

Clear. Mr. Collyar came for a last goodbye call. Leaves Sat. Left his card. Just before he left shot a guinea fowl for the girls. J. set up the grinder & tried it goes fairly well. Ground corn, mukombe & peas. Had big mess of green peas for dinner. This A.M. J. put stove into the girls house & put in a door at the back.

10, Fri.

While J. was at the girls and I was writing Mulungit came & bro't 14 eggs. Then I had him stay & tell me what he wanted to write in his thank you letter for his watch. Only the Chronicle came. Sent peas & lettuce to Mr. Collyar. Grandma Minches birthday.

11, Sat.

Rained most all night and part of this A.M. The men ground corn & Mukombe for girls & us. Yesterdays bread was almost a failure. Tried a few mukombe cookies. J. likes them very much. Also baking powder bread. Prayerm't'g tis P.M. Sent Cora's birthday letters also one to Al. Read this eve. Cut J's hair.

12, Sun.

Met a little earlier for meeting. Had prayerm't'g and talked over plans. Other meetings just the same. We had another meeting this eve. Decided to have one every evening this week making it a sort of week of prayer that we may know the Lord's will about the work. That more ought to be done is evident just how or what is what we want to know.

Didn't get much read in Josephus. Got so sleepy. Read some in Quo Vadis.

Had a moonlight walk. Very bright. No signs of rain. Grandma O's birthday.

13, Mon.

J. worked at wall. This P.M. went to call on Mr Partington but found he has gone with Mr. Collyar. May not return before Thurs. Big whirl wind at dinner time 'most blew our dinner away. Horrid hyenas were fighting again last night.

14, Tues.

Big mail. Nothing form home. Pack of papers from Lora & a linen piece & white stocks. No rain scarcely any clouds even. At our meeting this eve we decided to ask Shanga to leave or reform.

J. working at west wall. Decided to send the men on Thurs. to Nakuru. Girls 2 & we 2.

15, Wed.

This morning before chapel Massagondi came bringing “his warrior” as he calls him, who has been sick for 4 years. Can't walk at all they bro't him on a stretcher. J. was down all A.M. poulticing and Miss N. staid there too. Miss Simpson had the school work alone. Prayermeeting for all.

16, Thur.

Shanga was in school both days & Musaigo hangs around him all the time. Tonight J. went down to talk to him while we had meeting. He staid until 10:30 but could not seem to make an impression. Denied things we know to be true and would not say he wanted to do better. No doubt he will leave in a few days. No reading tonight.

17, Fri. Good Friday

J. put up all the partition wall 'tween sitting room & study and put up ceiling cloth. Set up the camp bed for a lounge & put down the piece of mat. J. worked hard all day. Only a “Digest” came in the mail.

Started a letter to fathers. Every one seems tired tonight.

18, Sat.

Had P.M. prayerm't'g. Masaria changed papers in cupboard. Shanga has left without so much as goodby to us. Said he was going to Kamasia.

Washed my hair. J. sewed all his music books and got them ready for the pasteboard covers. Boiled some of the dried raspberries mama sent. Very good.

19, Sun. Easter Day

A beef was butchered at the Fort yesterday & sold 10 lbs. for a rupee. We are so glad for some.

Mulungit left yesterday for Nyeri on business of some sort. Expects to be back in 6 days.

This has been such a pleasant Easter day. Scarcely no wind and yet not very warm. Meetings as usual except Kikuyu & Masai together. After supper took Quo Vadis & sat out under the trees and read until the sun got down then went to Mr. Partingtons garden. Met both he & Mr Thorne there. Went to the girls & discussed what language ought to be taught if we start another school. Read.

20, Mon. [F.M.S. birthday]    FMS letter 19080420

Had a shower this P.M. Not very much but enough o prevent J's going to see Mr. P. So he put up medicine chest in his study. I don't feel as tho' I was 27 today. 17 would seem more like it. Have on Lora's gift white & blue linen waist. Boys say they chased up a lioness down in the bush today. Not many saw it. Short cake with dried berries from house.

21, Tues.

A year ago today (on Tues.) J & Mr. H. returned from Assambur. How happy we were.

J. went to see Mr. Partington about school work and he seems much in favor but wants Swahili taught. Must wait a few days to get things settled.

Word today says Haighs have 8 lb boy. Am writing for Miss Gams. time in July, as per Mr. H's letter today. Large check too.

22, Wed.

Had a spell of sick headache this A.M. but did school work anyway. The three girls are all feeling quite ill today. Must have eaten something that doesn't agree with them. No class and no prayerm't'g this eve. Heavy rain this eve. Got a few letters off. M's mother called. Finished up all the walls today.

23, Thur.

Nakuru men returned this morn. We are disappointed in our orders. They had so little we sent for and substituted more expensive things making our bill very high.

Had hot bath early & retired. Rains very hard. Men are bringing up dirt & fixing flower beds. J bro't up two roses which look fresh & nice.

24, Fri.

Rained all night last night. Set out cabbage & beets & bro't up more flowers for in the beds. Also some little trees. Dismissed 3 men. M. hasn't returned from Nyeri yet. Finished all but one piece of beef today. That keeps fairly well. Ants are flying thick. Letter from Mr. P. suggesting a class for police to encourage Massagondi to ask for work for Masai.

25, Sat.

J. bro't up big tree this A.M. & planted. May do alright. Nice rain this eve. All other “set out” things look fresh. Put in some seeds this morning. Vines and pansy. J. is fixing music book covers. Sent Aunt A's & Libbie Schaffers letters. Did very little today. The less I have to do the less I get done. Ironed J's shirt after putting on collar.

26, Sun.

Were up in good time. Took walk before breakfast. Saw tracks of 3 lions which past near the boys Kraal early this morning.

Got quite a nice lot of Josephus read. Wasn't so sleepy today. It was such a grand morning & quite pleasant all day.

After dinner walked to the gardens. J. played, I read until bed time.

Hope Mr. Partington will call tomorrow that we may know what he wants to do about starting school work.

Meetings as usual.

27, Mon.

Elfreda's 27th birthday. Feeling pretty miserable. Took cold or ate too much mukombe or something. Mr. P. came. Found us in the garden, so looked around and heard all J's plans & J. his. Will give J some men to help put up bridge & build up path 'tween here & station in low places.

28, Tues.

Feeling better. Cut out many of the sounds for Swahili class of police. They are to start on Fri.

Mail came late. Masaria did only part of the ironing. J. down working at the path all day with all hands. Letter from C.E.H. asking to let Probst & Raynor come here for study. Are anxious for the answer to J's reply.

29, Wed.

Aunt Rene & Uncle Dicks wedding day. Sicker'n ever. Have been feeling wretched all day. Went down for chapel only. Took more cold yesterday I think. Got Mae S's letter & W.M.S. letter for Minn. Conv. off. Mulungit got back last night. Is running all over now. J. still at path. Didn't go to prayerm't'g.

30, Thur.

Feel better. Pay day for all workmen & boys. Worked at fixing printed words on back of script – English work.

Mulungit went to find where his kraal had gone.

J has decided not to have class at night any more but first thing after breakfast.


1, Fri.

Not a thing in the mail today. J. started his Swahili class. 11 to 12. They seem eager to learn and he will no doubt enjoy it. Have sent to Bailey to see what can be gotten in line of primers. Masaigo came up this morn donned in native clothes and said she was going to look for her “olmuruo”. Maribet may leave too.

2, Sat.

Wrote Mrs. H. sending list of things I need.

Made one chart of letters for Swahili class. Cut letters from verses cut from bottom of S.S. chart pictures.

Masaria shook carpets and helpt clean up. I rather like doing the work myself.

3, Sun.

Took a short walk very early and liked it so much we decided to take a book & lunch and spend the day out. Told no one where we were going. Saw Mr. Partington at the station and J. asked him to come along back at 4 P.M. as far as the bridge to see the work.

Sat over under our tree on the other side of the swamp & read. Saw the girls go in & out. At about 12 walked over to the Pasi River & back. Got ½ lb. tin of chocolates at the Indians & ate 'em all. Had tea at Mr. P's. Read “First Violin”, only part of it, got well started. From Station home it rained some. Read & played. Girls came & we talked some. Then retired. Had a very fine day.

4, Mon.

Went to work in earnest. J. missed chapel again. Miss Simpson told the story. Did very well. Started to have morning language class 8 to 9 instead of after supper.

Feel somewhat knocked out today. Went to meet J. both A.M. & P.M.

5, Tues.

Masaria did only pat of the ironing. J. didn't go for work at the path this P.M. Came to chapel this morn. too. Major Ross, the game ranger, is at the Fort. Has just seen Mr. Hurlburt.

May call tomorrow. J. may ask him for dinner. Seems nice not to have class after supper.

6, Wed.

While eating breakfast Major Ross stopt here. Will come in again in about two weeks when he returns from this trip. He can chatter. Has traveled a great deal in the Western states. Prayerm't'g here tonight.

7, Thur.

Baked angelsfood cake and frosted creams. Made a little candy too. Intend asking the girls over for tea tomorrow P.M. also Mr. Partington.

Started a letter to Lora. Am very tired. Some Masai killed a beef and we bo't a small piece. Expensive but very nice & tender. Kanunga wants to stay & may if he will do some work.

8, Fri. [wedding anniversary]

Delightful day. As J. went to his work this morn. two men met him on their way here. One a Dr. from Nakuru & a Mr. Blaine. They also came to tea. Tho't the girls knew nothing of the date but they did and bro't a very nice cake over. “Lovers Alway 1908” in colored frosting. Had a nice time. Got potato salad etc. ready for lunch tomorrow.

9, Sat.

J. suddenly last eve decided to go to the Iam River so we got an early start & when we got there tho't he'd try fishing. Caught one and couldn't get any more for some time. Then caught 6 more. One very large. Enjoyed the day very much. Read a little & I sewed. Got back in good time had little nap and a bath. Mr. Hurlburts letters all came here and hence we expect him most any minute. Mr. Mc Kenrick accidentally shot & killed a Kikuyu boy and seems 'most distracted over it. We have had no word from Mr. H. about his coming.

10, Sun.

Took a long walk this morn. Olelelete, Sambur chief had been here yesterday. Not finding us at home came again today. We feared he would beg awfully but he didn't. J. gave him some money and he seemed satisfied.

Masaria isn't feeling well so I got dinner. Fish head soup, creamed potatoes & fried fish. 'Twas all very good.

Read church papers and Josephus.

Looking for Mr. H. any time. Didn't read long tonight – both are tired.

11, Mon.

No Hurlburt yet. Masaria washed. Mulungit started with Swahili lessons from 2 to 3. Want Thoebe too. Nice and moonlight. After our usual walk walked up & down the path in moonlight & talked. J. told of what he has been thinking.

12, Tues.

Letter from C.E.H. saying can't use Masai among Kamasia. He seems all knocked out, said he returns to Kijabe on Sat. or Mon. and wants J. to meet him there at once. Thinks he'll go to America soon. More letters came for him. Miss G. wrote she will try to come. J. is planning to start Thur. morning. O dear I feel as tho' I can't stay here without him.

13, Wed.

Took a long walk this morn to Baringo path. Major Ross came in for tea this P.M. He is very jolly and congenial. Were busy all day and evening getting chopbox and clothes ready. Rained a little. No prayerm't'g. Roasted meat after supper. Mulungit goes along to bring half breed bull along.

14, Thur.

Feels as tho' there's a stone in the place where my heart ought to be. I went with him 'til above Massagondis Kraal. A grand morning but I can't enjoy it. Don't know why but this has been by far the hardest separation. Girls took their lunch and went up river to eat. Miss Simpson has Swahili class. I went to meet them after the rain. Heavy rain. Don't think J. got any tho'.

15, Fri.

Went to the girls' for language lesson. Miss Nicher has had the story in meeting to tell. They each have to take their turn. Miss Slater went for a walk with me this eve after the rain. Another good soaker this P.M. No mail for us. I had early walk this morning. Wrote mama. Had dinner with the girls.

16, Sat.

Miss Simpson helped & we fixed up another chart. Sewed the Americano for on the guest room bed. Bathed. Finished mamas letter. Wonder if J. is camped on Gilgil River tonight. No matter where he is I wish I were with him. Lovely sunrise. Only a little rain. Am playing “Finest of the Wheat” thro'. Miss Slater again went for a walk with me. Studied Africa Geog.

17, Sun.

Miss Slater held the morning meeting. They made me stay there for both meals. I told Thoebe the story of the death of John the Baptist & he told it to both Masai & Kikuyu boys. Played quite a while and read considerable in Josephus.

O it seems quiet & dead in the house. Had usual walks. This morning went pretty far but it was so pleasant. After this evenings walk we sat on the veranda and talked until dark. Just before retiring I walked back & forth on veranda for it is so lovely and moonlight. How I long to be with J. tonight.

18, Mon.

Masaria washed. I again went to language class. I know they could get on just as well alone but they insist on my coming. Wrote Jessie tonight. Birthday letter. No rain. Wont wash next week 'til J. gets back.

19, Tues.

Girls here to dinner. We got no mail. Miss Nicher heard from Mr. B. that C.E.H. went down on Sat. train. Spose J. is chattering like a magpie. I only hope he'll be back a week from today.

Began tearing round and cleaning and clearing. Put up some pictures and will put more.

20, Wed.

Still no more rain. Masaria finished ironing. The bread yesterday got horrid again. Not so bad as before but not good. Girls went up river again for lunch. I made potato salad for 'em. The boys were to come for prayerm't'g but didn't.

21, Thur.

Little rain. Masaria & I put in some corn & beans. Will do more another day. Masaria made some mud & I plastered up all the holes in Kitchen & bedroom that I tho't rats could get in at. They were very noisy last night and I was awake much of the time. Got out Post cards & started to fix with ribbons.

22, Fri.

Cora's 20th birthday. More rain. A letter from J. which in some ways makes me sad & others glad. Mr. H. leaves next Mon. for America and Mrs. Agnes & Harry will come back with J. on Tues. up train. They will stay thro' July. I am very glad for that tho' it means another week of being alone. A Rs 15 check from Mr. Laze – Nakuru Dr. & letter. Retired very late.

23, Sat.

Wrote a postal home. Cleaned up the rooms. Baked oatmeal wafers. Much like oatmeal crackers at home. Had a good rest the P.M. and hot bath. Worked at post cards. Soaked white clothes. Tho't there wouldn't be much wash but seems bigger than ever. Took usual walks. Suppose in one week from tonight I'll not be alone.

24, Sun.

Girls asked me to breakfast with them. I declined. Thoebe is not well. Has a bad cold so they asked if Masaria would start dinner fire & help them & I should come there to eat. I did. Hope twill be the last time. I'll ask them for Tues. noon again. I eat too much & of the things I shouldn't when I go there.

Miss N. & Miss Slater went for a walk with me. The girls all came over to sing. A little swallow has been in the house all day & tho' I left the door open it doesn't know enough to go out. It's roosting in the spare room. Miss N. took 9 o'clock m't'g. Thoebe told pictures story of the Temptation of Christ.

25, Mon.

Wash all done & tho' large is quite white & clean. Went to the garden to get peas for there were so many there on Sat. and today the birds had eaten them all. Not one could we find. So have to plan some thing else for tomorrow. Have finished post cards ready to put up. Had sick headache over noon. Cut out white calico apron.

26, Tues.

Girls here to dinner. Masaria went for mail. Got very large foreign mail. Al's package came & one from Lora. Didn't open them tho' will wait for J.

Put up the Post Cards. Finished Als letter. Mail must go to be sealed at 8 A.M. tomorrow. Did no ironing. Baked lots of ginger cookies. Got too rich.

27, Wed.

Masaria ironed all A.M. & finished. Worked at apron. Started bread. Yeast works fine. Some of Miss Slater's new. Had a good nap so read quite late tonight.

Suppose the people are at the first camp tonight. Wish I could see them for a little while.

28, Thur.

Worked hard all day & am very tired tonight. Had dinner with the girls. Baked bread, little cakes & a layer lemon. Cleared out the china cupboard & tacked papers at back. Did some work in guest room too. Girls went to Massagondis & I met them when they returned. Had late supper. No nap. Sleepy early.

29, Fri.

It seems the unexpected always happens in Africa. I had my hot bath all fixed to get in and was just playing the organ for a little when there was a fearful noise outside and here came the people at 7:30. I had most every thing done but hadn't cleaned up myself & washed. They came about 37 miles, and didn't seem so very very tired.

30, Sat.

We got up late and did only such work as was necessary. The porters got in in good time. Masaria is sick so we are doing the work. Agnes & Harry have both grown so. Nthoki is here too. They all feel pretty spry today. Mrs. H. seems so well. What a privilege it its to have her here. It's so nice to have them all back again. Mulungit had gone to Nyeri so isn't back yet. Miss Nicher gives Mrs. H. massage treatments every night.

31, Sun.

Talked in bed until just time to dress before meeting. The girls came here for meeting. Kanunga helped some in the kitchen today. Finished breakfast just at 12. Had the native meeting as usual. Mrs. H. & I talked while J. slept. After supper we went to the prisoners gardens.

The girls came over for a sing – tried songs from “Revival Hymns” which are used at Kijabe now.

We all seem tired and sleepy tonight. The day seemed too short. Thoebe seems to be better today. Didn't get one word read today.


1, Mon.

Tried to get things into running order today but Masaria is not yet able to do anything so things didn't go so well. Mulungit returned. Mabilwa & Kijabe men with horse and donkeys returned to Gilgil also our men for the loads left behind. Had grapho phone music tonight.

2, Tues.

Bro't up horseradish to fix with beets for tomorrow. The first we've had from the home roots. Fixed the raspberries for short cake. Massaria still not able to be out. Ngosogwan is table boy now. Don't know how long he'll last but he must do some work & makes a neat waiter. Wrote Lora & Miss Gamertsfelder.

3, Wed.

J's 30th birthday. The girls were over for dinner. J. didn't know they were coming and we had dinner & table all ready when he came and sang as he came in. Girls bro't a box of candy for him and a baby rattle – had a Masai verse attached to each. Had a pleasant time. Boys came this eve but we had gone to bed.

4, Thur.

J. is not feeling very well. Mulungit & Ngosogwan went to see a Masai doctor. Will be gone 4 days. Masaria still unable to be around. Njogu did the washing today. Kanunga does the cooking – at least watches it. Massagondis two boys come at 10 for lessons. Miss S. will have them.

5, Fri.

Baked bread. Getting things together for an early start in the morning. Mrs. H. isn't feeling very well. Harry, Agnes and Miss Slater all have very bad colds. The package from home for J's birthday has not yet come. Hope it's not lost.

6, Sat.

Mrs. H. tho't she better not go to Iam as she felt quite stiff. Sort of rheumatism. All others went. Got early start. J. & I left others about 10 and got two geese and after dinner we started home following Iam & got 2 guinea fowl. Had splendid luck. Cleaned & fixed all & had baths after we got home. Had good time altho' rather tired.

7, Sun.

All the game with Rs 2.25 of mutton from the station was stolen during the night from the old cook house. We think it must have been an animal. Would like to set a trap but fear it might have been a person. Had planned to have a big roast on Tues. & have the girls over but can't now.

All meetings as usual. Eng. service here. Kikuyu & Masai together.

Talked with Mrs. H. instead of sleeping.

Mabilwa with horse & donkeys returned to Kijabe last Mon. Our men may get back tomorrow.

8, Mon.

Bro. Clydis 30 birthday. The Gilgil porters returned and we unpacked the things. Some apples were still good. A few oranges were spoiled. Am very glad for the rest. And a lot of nice & useful things bo't of Mr. Wilson. Masaria helped a little with the washing. Njogu did most.

9, Tues.

A small foreign mail. Letter from mama. J. got his book from Eng. “North African Church”.

Nthoki did the ironing. Ngosogwan has not yet returned.

Masaria is trying to do the kitchen work but seems very weak and shakey.

10, Wed.

Boys got back today. Mulungit came this eve & talked. No other boys came so decided to have prayerm't'g tomorrow night. Mrs. Hurlburt was up for supper. Seems to be getting better. Men are working at the path.

11, Thur.

Prayerm't'g this eve. Every one seems especially “sillily” inclined. Had parched corn to eat. Ngosogwan is again at his work so that saves some for me. Started the box for baby's things.

12, Fri.

Lora's package came today all wrapped tight and written on “received without wrapper”. A little white petticoat with embroidery edging and a spool of San Silk but the worked tennis piece was not there. Am sorry. Agnes & I went out hunting with J. last night. Got a rabbit and when shooting at the 2nd the barrel exploded near the end. No damage done.

13, Sat.

Finished up the “baby box” and put things into it. Have a few things yet to get ready. We had intended going to the Iam early this morning but the gun acting so and J. couldn't get the other barrel to go off so didn't go. Slept rather late.

14, Sun.

Had meetings as usual. After our meeting we had a big watermelon. J. got it up early this morning & it staid nice and cool. All seemed to enjoy it ever so much. The children especially.

Took chairs out under trees but couldn't stay long because we got too sleepy. This eve went to the girls & sang a while. Then as it's full moon we walked back and forth. A lovely night.

The worms are awful on the shrubs. Black with yellow stripes. Horrid things.

15, Mon.

Masaria & his boy washed the clothes after considerable quibbling. Fear M- will have to go soon if he can't do better. J. started cutting water ditch. Goes up to Fort at 6:30 – I send his breakfast. This P.M. moved Mr. Partingtons fruit trees from the garden by the river into his new garden. Wrote Alta a long narrow letter.

16, Tues.

Cut out more and sewed at little night dresses. Miss N- came to see what I had and what more I needed.

A little foreign mail. Letter from Kijabe suggesting postponement of July weddings until Sept. Mr. P. gave J. his gun to use so we went out this eve and got one.

Finished mama's letter.

17, Wed.

E.I.O.s birthday. Signed on 4 more men. J. goes up every morn at 6:30 & I walk most to Somali Kraal then return & have breakfast and send his. Got a rabbit tonight. Mulungit left this morn for his feast. Kawanga too went to Nyeri.

Prayerm't'g this eve. Sewed some today. Men finished path to bridge this P.M.

18, Thur.

The ditch went much better today. Are getting out of the stones now. Mr. Partington has J. in for tea every A.M. The children keep on with their lessons here. Some days they study well, on others, it's hard work. Finished 6 night dresses today. Wrote Al this eve. Got no rabbit. Run sewing machine needle thro my finger.

19, Fri.

A little mail. Dr. Blackburn will be here at the appointed time. A check came too. Also Chronicle. Got a rabbit tonight. Planning to go early in the morning for quinea fowl. J. partly made a little crib. Ditch is coming right along. J. thinks we can easy get it back of the house. Finished Pickwick Papers.

20, Sat.

Got up at 4. Started by 4:30. There is a moon so we got on nicely. Got only one guinea fowl but hit others and chased around a good deal. Got home 11:30. Mrs H. took care of the bread. Also baked a cake this eve. Nice rain just over supper. Trimmed J's hair. Quite tired tonight.

21, Sun.

Got up and had early walk. Meeting as usual. This P.M. as we went to kraal to call boys for meeting saw that the girls were already having meeting so we went on and had a walk and a talk.

Got considerable read in “Josephus”. Napped a little. Rained this eve.

22, Mon.

Washed. Cloudy most all A.M. but the clothes dried. Had the 6 little night dresses in the wash which made a strange sight on the line. Poured this P.M. & eve. Rained very hard and for quite a while. J. went out for rabbits but got none. Agnes & Nthoki took J's lunch.

23, Tues.

Only a letter from Mr. Riebe fro J. Others got a little mail. Harry went with us for rabbits tonight & we got two. J. finished making the little cradle. Nthoki did most of the ironing. Harry took J's lunch. 'Twas so very muddy. Every thing is flooded. Finished white calico apron.

Masaria thoroly cleaned the stove.

24, Wed.

Went for ducks tonight but got none. Rained some during prayerm't'g and we had to hurry home from hunting in order not to be caught. Put trunks into attic today. J. finished meat box and Mrs. H. stained, with walnut, the cradle. Am writing Cora Beth. Watermelon for supper.

25, Thur.

Seem tired from yesterday yet. Slept so hard last night. Started bread. J. & I only went shooting tonight. Got two rabbits – one very large one. Harry & I went along to big tree this morn. but got nothing. J. fixed the wash board today. Blew & thundered hard but no rain. J's watch stopt & he missed his class.

26, Fri.

Baked bread but got horrid. Am sorry for 'twas a large batch. Considerable rain today. Agnes & I lay on the bed after supper and talked. Very tired.

Not much mail. Harry takes J's lunch most every morning. Fixed green tomatoes in pickle & mince. Very nice.

27, Sat.

Finished green tomato things. After nap Harry, J. & I went back across the hills to see what we could shoot. Saw lots of things but got only 1 rabbit & that very near home. The girls, Agnes & Nthoki washed today. We all bathed after supper. Didn't rain until after dark then poured. J. got a duck this A.M.

28, Sun.

Cloudy & rainy all day. Much water fell last eve. Girls garden is flooded. The ditch is not large enough to carry it away so ours is pretty bad. Took a very short walk this morning. Too wet & muddy to go far. Meetings as usual. J. only, went for meeting with the boys but the girls went down a little later.

This eve we went for a walk Mrs. H & the children. 'Twas very pleasant. Saw several rabbits. Children at the girls'. Mrs. H & I talked & j. played. Are reading “Huckleberry Finn” evenings.

29, Mon.

Masaria sick again. Girls let me have Njogu to help. Had a pretty big wash but a nice day. Nthoki ironed this P.M. We dug some of the potatoes. J. shot a goose. Had mushrooms which the girls sent over. Had the duck roasted for dinner.

30, Tues.

Finished ironing. This P.M. all men went for wood. Stopt work at the ditch until they return from Nakuru. Had rabbit pie for dinner.

Had some foreign mail. Letter & P.C's from Al. in Ashville N.C. where she has gone visiting with a Mrs. Fosha who has poor health. She mentions Faye Nickersons sudden death. J's 5 books ($5 worth) from Eng. came today. Fine.


1, Wed.

Dismissed Muragi and the old man also Masaria. Wangoosia wants to go on the safari before going home. Fixed up tent. No prayerm't'g. J. went to the woods with the men. Bro't in lots of wood. Ordered quite an order from the Indians today. Thoebe goes for the Dr. Mrs. H. not feeling well.

2, Thur.

The men left for Nakuru to meet Dr. Blackburn. There was some misunderstanding about their food & they went off with our load of flour and we didn't notice it until almost noon. Then sent the girls remaining man with ours to take other food & bring back our flour. Started letter to Alice. To bed early & read long.

3, Fri.

Agnes's 15th birthday. Had rabbit meat balls and raspberrie short cake for dinner. Girls had surprise supper over there for Agnes. Every thing was very prettily decorated. Gifts were given to most every one. J. got a pair of little booties of shammy skin & red ribbon. I, a fan. Agnes a number of gifts. Not much mail.

4, Sat.

We had flags up but otherwise the day was spent much as others are. Got up very late and did little. Went to the garden after naps. Men returned about noon with about half the flour.

J. read while I sewed. Started to hemstitch the ruffle for top of bed. Other sewing.

5, Sun.

Don't feel extra fine today. Got up with headache. Took walk. Nice but pretty windy.

Services as usual. Girls went to get women from Massagondi's kraal for meeting. Got part way here then they returned.

Read in Messengers. Thot Mrs. Hurlburt wouldn't care to go to P.M. meeting so intended staying with her but when all were gone found she had too so staid alone. She & J & I had a delightful & long walk after supper. She does notice & appreciate nature so much. It's such a pleasure to go out with her. Talked.

6, Mon.

Nguru brings wood and water and did the washing today. He does very well. Today Dr. B., no doubt, leaves Nakuru for here and Mabilwa and donkeys etc leave Kijabe for here. J. read & I sewed. It's very windy all day and most all night.

7, Tues.

Mrs. H. had things bro't up from the garden which she wants to take along home. Baked 11 loaves of bread, 4 yeast cakes, a batch of cookies two tins of buns. Everything got fairly good. All done by supper time. J. put up the shades in bedroom & sitting room. Then he & Harry went hunting and got two rabbits & a guinea-fowl.

8, Wed.

We looked hard for Dr. this eve but he didn't come. Cleaned whole house. Had fire in grates this A.M. They worked fairly well. Every thing is in pretty good shape now. Just want the Dr. yet. Hope he will not need to stay long.

9, Thur.

Dr. came in about 2:30 P.M. The men evidently led him quite a ways around. Mabilwa and the two men with the donkeys & horse came just a few minutes after Dr. got here. The porters didn't get here 'til 'most dark. Nthoki sleeps over at the girls and Harry in the other room. Dr on cot.

10, Fri.    FMS letter 19080710

J. & Dr. talked most all day. Went shooting tonight & got two rabbits.

Mabilwa will start to do the cooking tomorrow. Mrs. Hurlburt washed today.

Not much mail. Hard rain. J. & Dr. got drenched this P.M.

11, Sat.

Sent Als letter. J. worked in the garden. Got seed put in. Cleaned up the rooms. Mrs. H. washed a little part which was left yesterday. Together with her men she gathered many wild vines and shrubs for taking home. Men went shooting. Had bath before supper. Read.

12, Sun.

A.M. service as usual. Had a long walk before. It is pretty windy & not very pleasant. All went to Massagondis kraal for meeting. Dr., Mrs H & I didn't go. Talked most P.M. Very warm and hard to move much.

This eve after short walk we went to the girls' for a sing. Had nice time.

Mabilwa does very well with cooking. Read quite a while this eve.

13, Mon.

Washed. Thro' in good time. Mrs. H. finished a little blue tied comforter for the little bed. Did most of the mending. Had tea at 4 & then the men went hunting. Got a rabbit. J. & men are at ditch again. Dr. thinks we can get it here.

14, Tues.

A little package – pair of pink & white booties – from Mrs. Johnston also Rs. 10 from Miss Slater. Ironed some. Nthoki finished. Men went across the Iam for pigs. Shot & wounded an empala bro't home a rabbit, guinea-fowl, partridge & 3 snipe [Crowned plover].

Started bread. Two men went for tent.

15, Wed.

Baked 11 loaves. New kind of biscuit for breakfast. Got fine. J. didn't work at ditch today. They went hunting. Found the empala shot yesterday – all eaten. Sewing at Miss Simpson's things. Miss Nicher came for tea. Enoch has returned. Wrote Mrs Johnston's note. Talked late.

16, Thur.

Am O so lazy today. Haven't done a thing all day scarcely. Mr. Judd & Dr. Rainsford from New York called & had tea. I let Mrs. H. play lady of ceremonies. J & Dr. went to the Fort with them & Mrs. H., Agnes & I walked out to meet them. Mrs. H. is busy with Miss S's clothes. Had partridge and snipes for dinner.

17, Fri.

Tues. eve. 21st. Shall write “Journal fashion” for the next few days.

On Fri. morning I awoke with a dull headache and soon had some peculiar pains. Increased somewhat during the day. I bathed and Miss Nicher made up the bed that by night all was in readiness for the great event.

J. read awhile but I soon got too uncomfortable to listen. Pains started in earnest about 10. At 3:30 Dr. & nurse came in; at 4:15 baby came. A 6 lb. well-formed boy. Every thing was perfectly natural and normal. Dr. seemed pleased to see how well all went.

After a short time the house was quiet and every one rested for a little before morning. All took breakfast and dinner at the other house and things were very quiet and restful around here. Miss Nicher made me comfortable then fixed up babe. J. spent most the A.M. in writing letters. Mrs. H. keeps the household affairs moving. I felt quite comfortable only very tired.  JWS letter 19080718

Babe cried considerable during the night. Miss N. slept in here. J. finally fixed up a little condensed milk at about 2 A.M. and after drinking a little, babe slept 'til morning. No meetings all day Sun. Girls came over & sang Sun. eve. J. sleeps in here on the cot. Babe cried considerable again. The boys and Tage & others came to see the baby. They make a big fuss over him. Still feeding him condensed milk & he seems to like it. The people: Dr., Hurlburts & Miss Nicher decided to leave on Tues. for Kijabe. Mon. Mrs. H. baked bread & washed & every one was very busy. All were extremely tired when bed time came. At about 2 A.M. baby was restless and while fussing with him there was quite a noise on the veranda near the meat box and when J looked he found it was a large leopard. It went away but soon returned when he shot thro' the window but didn't kill it.

It happened no one heard the report of the gun not even Hurlburts. J. & Dr. had asked Mr. Partington for some porters and a tent. But our men came back from Nakuru this noon. Made a record trip of it. This morning all left. Considerable hubbub. None of the men would take Miss N's trunk. So she repacked into a suit case.

Miss Slater came over and cleaned up sonny & I & the house. Everything seems very quiet and restful. We wonder if the leopard will be back tonight. Babe has been very good. Emils wedding picture and one of their baby at 5 mos. came today. A packet from Kelhofers for baby. Shall write regular now again.

22, Wed.    JWS letter 19080722

Dr. Rainsford's hunting party sent 2 quarters of grantis [Grant's gazelle]. Got very little reading done today. I have pillows back of me and can sit more erect. Wrote Alice. Spose the people are camping near the mountain tonight. Babe cried some last night but is very good today. Both last night & tonight it rained after dark. J. bro't up lovely roses & strawberries from the garden.

23, Thur.

The leopard was around again last night but we didn't hear him – saw his tracks. J. set a gun trap in the old cook house and before 7 o'clock the gun went off. J. tho't 'twas just the wind or a jackal but when he looked he found the old fellow shot thro' the head as dead as could be. They bro't him in here for me to see. Measures 6 ½ ft. Considerable excitement over it all.

24, Fri.

J. busy all day skinning the leopard. Took two pictures of it. One in this room – all three & baby back of it and another outside. The skin is nice & large and the spots very plain.

Not a very large mail – in fact none at all for us. Got 1 lb. of butter & no eggs. Shall hereafter get 1 lb. & a doz. eggs every week.

25, Sat.

Sat up in the chair today while the bed was made. Was pretty shakey but it was nice. Have quite severe headache tonight. Got considerable reading done. J. wrote 3 letters & I one to Mabel Gam. Armstrong. Still very rainy. Water is pretty high in the garden. Babe weighed 8 lbs. Had more clothes on than last week.

26, Sun.

Feel better in some ways but my head still aches some.

Had meals as on all other days. About 10 o'clock the boys came in here & we had meeting together. Read much of the time today. Finished the 2nd Vol. of Dr. Swinefurth's book and started Sir Samuel Baker's “Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia”. Very rainy all eve. Lions are around tonight.

Baby is very good day & night. Didn't sit up any today. Suppose the folks reached Kijabe yesterday.

Had nice cauliflower for dinner today & orange custard. One orange from the Xmas fruit still.

27, Mon.

Rained quite hard all night. A lion got a cow at the Somali kraal last night. Sat up quite a while today & tonight when baby cried & there was no one in I got him from his crib. Men came back from Gilgil. Didn't wait for all the loads; we can't understand but hope to have word tomorrow. Rainy day.

28, Tues.

Couldn't wash it rained all day. I sat up quite a while. Bathed myself too. Baby slept so nice last night. Awakened at 2 and not again until after 6.

J. saw guinea fowl near but couldn't get any. Got two ducks instead. Water is very high in the garden. Find the men wouldn't wait for all the loads but left Gilgil Fri. We can't send any back for them but will have them sent on down to K.

29, Wed.

Not quite so much rain as yesterday. The girls washed and got most of it dry. Feel quite strong but can't walk around much yet. Got 8 letters off today. I had stockings on today. Was up most all day.

30, Thur.

Up & dressed all but a dress. Just kept on my robe. I bathed baby this eve. Shall get our own meals starting with tomorrow noon. Intended writing a lot today but did almost nothing at it. I felt so good this morn - & hustled around & cleaned up the room which seems was too much for I suffered a good deal for several hours. Feel better tonight.

31, Fri.

Dressed entirely – tho' Miss Slater saw to most of the dinner and they ate over here. Took a short walk this P.M. Sonny & all. His first trip out. Paid the Indians bill of Rs. 139. We were almost stunned when we saw it. J. & Nguru cut & bro't lots of wood for grate fires. Ate supper by ourselves.


1, Sat.

Baked 3 loaves of bread after Miss Slater had them ready for the oven. A cake & small batch of cookies. Washed out babies things. Cleaned up a little. Bathed after supper. Baby is very good sleeps all day and only wakens once during the night. Am very tired tonight. Ngosogwan says he wants to go to school only & not work. J. told him we can't do that.

2, Sun.

Rainy & cold. Have fire in grates. Ngosogwan didn't come up so J. started fire & I got breakfast also supper. Kanunga washed supper dishes. J. the breakfast ones while I bathed baby.

Girls came for meeting at 9. J. had 2 o'clock meeting with boys. Tage came also quite a number of others.

Read considerable.

The water in the garden is very high. Seems to be rising. The river is high too. There is much rain up on the hills.

3, Mon.

Both Ruthi and the girls man are too sick to do any work so I wanted to wait 'til Wed. to wash – but Miss Slater insists on my putting ours with theirs. & they'll wash it all tomorrow. Ngosogwan came & got breakfast but after he finished he said he couldn't do the work any more. So J. said - “Very well, then, no pay.”

4, Tues.

Kanunga is doing our work now. Does very well too. The girls have Kawanga instead of Kanunga. They couldn't wash today as 'twas so rainy & no one had gotten any water. Rained so J. couldn't go shooting but just at dark a rabbit came very close to the house & J. stood on the veranda & shot it. Gave it to the girls.

5, Wed.

Girls washed so had no school. Kanunga helpt. Baby was very restless this eve. Cried a great deal. Sort o' colic, I think. Boys didn't come for meeting. Too tired. We finished reading Bakers “Nile Trib. of Abyssinia” and started Mungo Parks book.

6, Thur.

The girls Kikuyu work man who has been sick since back from Gilgil was evidently dying today for the others had already taken him out to the bush. J. made them bring him in & he & Miss Slater worked with him most all P.M. He seems somewhat revived this eve but still quite unconscious.

Boys came up for prayermeeting. Took a walk at about 4:30. Then to garden & kraal. Baby enjoys it all. He seems to notice me more today than heretofore.

7, Fri.

The Kikuyu man was dead this morning. Kanunga helpt J. take him out of the hut to the bush. They wouldn't have him buried but after breakfast J. took the spade & buried him. Mr. Bagg sent up some beef. 'Twas very nice. J. took his little gun & went out for paa. But run onto a rhino instead & when just about home shot an empala. We went this P.M. & got some of the meat. Foreign mail. Tired this eve.

8, Sat.

Baby weighs 10 lbs. Mr. Bagg and Mr. Partington came for tea. Enjoyed their call. Mr. B. is very social & nice. Baked bread but 'twas horrid. J. hangs the meat out during the day. Has it cut quite small & well salted. Bathed this eve. J. got a letter off for Mr. Riebe. Very cold & windy. J. put strips around bedroom window. Baby laughed for John today.

9, Sun.

As tho' we hadn't enough books agoing we started Edersheim's “Life & Times of the Messiah”. It's nice Sunday reading. Baby was quite cross last night.

Thoebe went to his kraal so we had the girls come over for both meals. We took quite a long walk this eve. Miss Simpson stayed with baby. Did very little other reading. No native meeting. Ngosogwan came yesterday & wanted a recommendation letter to Mr. P-. J. could give him none so he said he would leave. We aren't overly anxious to have him stay.

Very much warmer than yesterday.

10, Mon.

Nguru isn't back yet; should we get a letter tomorrow saying Alta & boys are ready I don't know what we'd do for we have no men to send. Very heavy rain this eve. Had a nice walk. Girls were both caught in the rain. Still quite warm. Babe seems to try to talk. Makes a little noise like cooing.

11, Tues.

J. helpt & we washed. In mail came a letter for Miss Alta & Miss Nicher wrote they were to leave Thurs. so we knew they might be here any time and low! at about 4 P.M . they came. We are so glad they are here. Alta sleeps over at the girls'. The boys in our guest room. Rained again not so hard nor long as yesterday. The boys have grown so.

12, Wed.

Alta seems thin but says she weighs much as ever. She went with Miss Simpson to the Fort for school. J & the boys went hunting. Didn't get back for dinner until 2:30 and then had nothing.

They insist they can't stay longer than Tues. Alta took a walk with us this eve. All here to prayermeeting.

13, Thur.

Baby seems to be forgetting his little grunt that sounds like an old hen when disturbed on the nest. He cried a great deal this A.M. but is better this P.M. Miss Slater went with me for a walk as J & Paul went hunting. We went to the first kraal. The old man with the sore leg and several old women saw him & all spit on him [Masai blessing] even tho' Miss S. insisted they must not. Read quite long tonight.

14, Fri.

Planning for a picnic at the Iam tomorrow. Baked 10 loaves of bread & some buns yesterday. Fairly good. No mail. Boys went to Fort to bring it. Carl is reading Coopers Leather Stocking Tales. Got the ladder in today & got the foot ball bladder and other things from the attic.

15, Sat.

Went on our picnic. Tried baby's new box but found it too large.

Found Mutu Nyingi here with the men & food: bananas, potatoes: white & sweet, kikwa and whole wheat.

Baby was quite cross today but little wonder for he was jarred & jolted terribly in his bed. Alta & the others seemed to enjoy themselves. All quite tired.

16 Sun.

Baby rested ever so fine last night. Today Miss Slater had us all over there for both meals. It seemed so nice not to have to plan for meals. Baby was very good today too except this eve. Alta seems to have a magic spell over him for he is usually quite quiet when she takes him.

Had all boys come up this eve for phonograph & chart pictures. Phono graph refused to go or rather, went too fast. Kijabe Kikuyu came too. Also Tage and his friend. Had bananas to eat. Carl is reading all day & most all night. Alta had meeting at kraal.

17, Mon.

Have been trying very hard to persuade Alta to stay longer but of no avail. She, the boys & Miss Simpson went to the Fort very early to see the soldiers drill. J. went to work at the ditch - sent his breakfast to him. Had P.M. tea. J & Paul went hunting – got 3 rabbits.

18, Tues.

The people left this A.M. Babe & I went to the bridge with them. A little Kikuyu boy is bringing water and helping with the kitchen work. Washed today. Wambogo bro't all the water and Kanunga did the washing. Went for a walk this eve before supper with babe & after supper without. Took baby's & J's picture – developed it & leopard tonight. Babe cried very hard.

19, Wed.

Went to bridge with J. again - but he had breakfast here. Babe was very cross this A.M. wants to be held all the time. We have decided to make our trip to Conf. sort of a pleasure trip & go by way of Nyeri & Naivasha. The girls are quite pleased with plans. Expect to leave here in two weeks.

20, Thur.

Took baby's picture in the bath this morning and developed it. Fairly good of him. J. again stayed for breakfast. Has had trouble to get the water to follow in the ditch. Had to cut a new ditch lower down. Have to give up having the water up here at the house. Wrote Grandpa a birthday letter. J. played all eve.

21, Fri.

Alta's 20th birthday. Foreign mail. Not so very large. Some time before noon the water at the ditch gave out and they can't go on with the digging. Work in the new garden every P.M. Think things will do very well in it. Read most all evening.

22, Sat.

J. wrote most all A.M. I wrote Aunt Lorene tonight. Baby didn't gain any this week. I say he cried too much. Baked a cake. 'Twas a failure.

Finished Mungo Park in Africa. Cut J's hair. Washed mine this eve just before bath.

23, Sun.

Chas 3 wedding. Got up quite late. Seems we can't get enough sleep lately. Had 9 o'clock meeting. P.M. meeting was not – for it rained almost all the P.M. & eve. Very had too.

Finished aunt R's letter. J wrote too all eve. No reading aloud done all day. Baby fairly good. Miss Slater sent over some green tomato pie for dinner. Very good.

24, Mon.

Sent J's breakfast again. No fun eating alone. Dr. Rainsford's party returned. Mr Judd called here. We rather expected them for tea but didn't come. J. has completed babys box-bed. Lions were about all night and very noisy.

25, Tues.

Miss Simpsons 27 birthday. Dr. Rainsford and Mr. White came to tea. We had surprise picnic dinner up river for Miss Simpson. Mr. Partington & Mr. Bagg returned. A very little foreign mail. Postal from Zellers. We took baby in his box. Went fine Ruthi & Nguru carried him. Mr. Rainsford sent down a half sheep for us. We had a little for dinner. Finished Aunt Lorenes letter & write circle W.M.S. letter.

26, Wed.

Baby is very good today. J. stayed for breakfast 'cause we had fried ribs. Nguru & Ruthi carried baby down & back. He does seem to enjoy going out. Finished his little blue jacket & had it on him yesterday.

Boys came up this eve for prayerm't'g. We can't understand where the Gilgil men are.

27, Thur.

No men in yet. Think they may have gone to Kijabe. The ditch is going on but looks rather discouraging. Babe & I went down again. Considerable rain. Told the girls this eve that after Conf. they better live with us, we'll be gone so much of the time. J & the men killed a large snake. J. declares 'twas a cobra – as it had a monstrous head.

Babe enjoyed the fire so much tonight.

28, Fri.

Gilgil men got in early this P.M. & Mulungit with the bull came this eve. He came up & we all talked 'til after ten. Girls here to dinner. Rained very hard this PlM. Doesn't look very promising for safari. I finished babe's combination coat. It looks real nice on him. No mail for us. Babe was exceptionally good today. Washed.

29, Sat.

Ironed. Baked a little. J. at ditch all day. Babe & I took his dinner. The men came to carry him. Mr Bagg sent down the hump & ribs of a bullock he had killed. Very good. Shall roast the hump for safari. J. got his legs sun burned. He had to take off shoes & stocks to carry me across two streams. J. shot a guinea fowl last night. Rained hard.

Many lions around again tonight. Mr. B. wanted J. to go rabbit hunting with him but it rained.

30, Sun.

Quite pleasant all day. No rain. After breakfast had a nice long walk over to the ditch.

Girls here for dinner. Just as we returned from our walk this morning Mr. White's men came with a “Tommie” [Thompson's Gazelle] all dressed. Dr. Rainsford had got two & was sending us one. We are rather flushed with meat just now. Fried just a little & found it fine like veal. The guinea fowl was fine too. Are starting bread for safari. Had another walk after dinner (at 5). Baby is sleeping fine tonight. Wrote Mrs Brodie. J. played all eve.

31, Mon.

Just the last thing I gave up finishing my checked skirt & J. the big bed. We'll take the little ones & the girls sleep on floor. Roasted the beef hump. Washed & ironed some. Did some of the packing tonight. Baby very cross. Very tired.


1, Tues.

Warrens birthday. Didn't get a very early start but reached Pasi about 1. Camp here tonight. J & Thoebe were out walking & talking & saw a large lion. Got no shot at it. All in good spirits & not tired. Baby seems to like the riding so much. Got foreign mail just as we left. Not many letters but some. Registered baby as John Raymond.

2, Wed.

Lora's 32 birthday. Came on to Mutara River today. Got here at 12. Washed baby's things and then bathed him. Has been very cross. Seems crampy some & gave him soap inject. Satisfactory results. Every eve we have prayer in girls tent for Conf. people. Wrote at mama's letter. Put pocket above my bed. Very tired.

3, Thur.

Arrived at Ngobit in good time. Lunched under usual lunch-tree. The wind was not so bad across the plain today. Have nice camp. Very cool but not nearly so bad as last night. Have a nice sheltered place for the tent. Mutu Nyingi left early this morning to bring back food for the porters. Met an old man & J bo't his load for the men.

4, Fri.

Had a long rest at the Ngiro. Waded in water. While resting at the 1st stream after Ngobit J. shot 3 partridges & a rabbit. One partridge got away. Got to the Honey about 5. All very tired. Miss Slater's heel is badly blistered. Very glad we got here for now we wont have far tomorrow. Very windy & hard walking today.

5, Sat.

No Masai here at Nyeri any more so grass is all grown up. Our old camp was not nice so we came on. Found a beautiful camp on the river bank below Nyeri. Had more of a march than we expected. J. had a caterpillar in his clothes & got quite a sore back from it. Didn't do any writing as the light seemed to attract worms.

6, Sun.

Clothes washed yesterday got dry today. Washed out a few more.

J. went to Mr. Mc Dougal's found he was not home but found him at another settlers. They – J. & Mr. Mc D. went to the Com. for lunch according to an invitation yesterday. Baby slept fine from 1 to 4. I wrote at mama's letter. Got some eggs, corn & sweet potatoes. We each spent a rupee for something good yesterday. Got a few nuts & chocolates & lime juice. Mr. Skene (Com.) sent down 4 loads of wood. Very kind of him. Nice & moonlight & not much danger of animals here. Wrote at Loras letter.

7, Mon.

Men didn't come 'til late. Some were left for Mr. Skene the Gov't Officer gave us some to go in their places. We went as far as Catholic Mission & met the others. At first we decided not to let them go at all finally said they might & we'd take half rupee from their wages. At this place we got 1 doz. eggs & four bananas as present – bo't five partridges. Camped at saw mill.

8, Tues.

Got no further up the mountain than our former cold camp in the bamboo. Very slow work going up. Bo't another partridge before leaving camp this morn. Rained this eve. Got the girls tent up & got into it. Not nearly so cold as we expected. Had much sunshine on the way up. Put beds together & babe slept with us. Miss Slater's heels seem better.

9, Wed.

Lunched at Fisheries. Came on down to first river. As we began going down steep places J. took babe & carried him. We went down very fast & started across the plains. It rained quite hard & we waded in water all the way. J. carried babe & umbrella. I, let it rain. Got into the cave here & made a big fire. Others came slowly all wet. Put up girls tent in cave & all slept in it.

10, Thur.

Very nice sun until most 2 P.M. Staid here all day & put things out to dry. Got all into splendid shape. Washed & dried nicely. Mutu Nyingi came in with some bananas. Have been eating them as fast as possible. Baby has been very good today. Laughed & played all A.M. so I could work fine. Put our tents up on the hill. Very dirty in the cave.

11, Fri.

Left camp about 9. Reached Naivasha 4. Miss Slater's feet quite sore. They have decided to go down by train in the morning. Found another camper on the grounds. Not nearly so windy as we expected. All we had for supper was Milk biscuits & jam & tea. Miss Simpson delivered a Uganda Bible to one of the soldiers.

12, Sat.

After the girls left we moved our camp about 3 miles further down. Have a beautiful camp. High rocks behind & the Lake in front. The men have to bring the water quite a ways but they have nothing else to do.

I washed quite a number of things. Rained quite hard both here & at Kijabe. Baby cross toward eve. Heard from a man who came from Kaimosi that Dr. Blackburn's little Ruth died. Am so sorry for them.

13, Sun.

Thoebe went away last eve to visit at a kraal so I got meals. After breakfast I washed out a few things. Then J., babe & I went for a walk to the edge of the Lake where there's a nice beach. J. went swimming. Bro't back a bunch of lovely water lillies. I wanted so much to take some down for Mrs. H. but the men we sent to get them said they couldn't find any. J. was out walking with babe & saw a leopard. Got his gun and shot at him and altho' hit he got away in the thick bushes. Got a short nap this P.M. Want to start very early in the morning. No rain here today nor at Kijabe. Hope we can get in tomorrow & stay dry.

14, Mon.

Got to Kijabe station about 1:30. Cleaned up and got up here before any one saw us. Stopt at Downings a few minutes. Found every one happy & busy. We have the room off the dining room at Hurlburts. Every thing seems quite natural and yet there are many changes. So glad to see everyone.

15, Tues.

Went to Mc Kenricks to see Mrs. Sywulka about baby he is still quite constipated. Mc Kenricks baby came Thurs. A very little mite of a girl. Sywulkas baby was sleeping so I couldn't tell much who he looked like. Mr. S. had been kicked by the horse & was In bed. J. had opening talk tonight. Left baby with Nthuka & found him crying very hard when we returned.

16, Wed.

I didn't think I'd go to any of the meetings today but J. persuaded me to try leaving baby again & I did & all went well all day & evening too.

Enjoyed the addresses so much & this eve had song service. A few special selections which were fine. Baby slept fine & gave no trouble.

17, Thur.

Went to all meetings again. Babe sleeps all A.M. & 'most P.M.

This eve was phonograph in chapel. Eddie & Carl had charge of it. Not many there. The Council met at the same time. Mr. Harrison, Dr Arthur & Mr Burns came on train. Ball game. Each side got 1.

18, Fri.

Lora's 2nd wedding day. Had the Conference picture taken.

I missed A.M. meeting. Open parliament tonight conducted by Dr. Scott. Very good. Another game this eve. Whites beat. A Mr. Johnson (C.M.S.) visited today.

19, Sat.

Mama's & papa's 36 wedding day. Staid home all day. Had the 5 babies pictures taken at Mc Kenricks. Were at Downings for supper. Enjoyed our short visit there so much.

Mrs. Faye arrived here this eve. A letter from Mr. H. says he will be back by end of Nov. Nothing tonight.

20, Sun.

After breakfast we went for a long walk. Got back in time to bathe baby before dinner. After dinner had a good long nap & just before going to 3:30 meeting had tea. I left meeting fearing babe was hungry.

This eve each told what of Conference was most helpful.

The men left early this morn. Thoebe will go to Nairobi with Miss Simpson in the morning.

21, Mon.

Telegram from Dr Leys that we shall stop there on return home. Very kind of him. Washed out a few things. Had W.M.S. meeting – just we three. J. must play wedding march tomorrow. Decided to let Mutua go along. Thoebe will go back with us.

22, Tues.

Wedding at 11:30 went off alright. Lunch at Mr. Devins. Thundered and looked much like rain so we hurried to the station, J. carrying baby. Barnetts came also several others to see them off. Dr. & Mrs. Leys met us and insisted on taking Barnetts too. They have a beautiful home – and we have had a good dinner & have a nice room. Are very tired.

23, Wed.

Had a good rest last night and this A.M. saw the flowers and vegetable garden. All very pretty. Dr. gave us lots of cuttings of many things. Went to Indian shops & Andertons and saw B's off then went back had lunch and at 2 P.M. started off. Were caught in a shower but were dry soon again. Camping at Flemmers farm. Saw ostriches.

24, Thur.

Started bright & early. The grass is very high and we were soon soaking wet above our knees. Stopt at the James farm. Saw his garden & other things. J. bo't a small plow from him for 35 Rs. also two pds of butter. He gave us carnation cuttings and a kettle of milk. Wrote Miss Slater not to come this way too wet. Camping at Bamboo. Feel rather bum today. My cold is so bad.

25, Fri.

Sent a man back to Nakuru. He & Barnetts two will bring the plow. Very heavy frost here. Very cold night. Didn't start until 9 o'clock. The path has been quite dry all day. Camping tonight where we lost the folding cup the first time we came this way. A large Masai kraal is near. Just a little before getting into camp we chased up a serval cat. Dried baby's things.

26, Sat.

Made very long march. Reached 1st Camp. Started at 8 and went fairly steady until 6 P.M. Don't feel extra tired. Kikuyu all followed very well. They are determined to go home tomorrow. 'Twould be nice but I don't like to do it on Sunday; but their food is gone and the nights are so cold for baby that for these reasons we may go.

27, Sun.

Got up very early and came home. It is nice to be here again. “No place like home” sure enough. Mr. Partington wanted us to stop for tea but we tho't we'd better hurry along. Had considerable mail. All sorts of letters & papers.

Had something to eat. Bathed, then read letters & slept. Picked up just enough to get around.

Are going to bed early. Some one has played havoc in the garden. Likely Mulungit thinking we didn't want it any more rooted out a lot of stuff much that we wanted too.

Baby seems pleased to be home again.

28, Mon.

Picked up and got things ready for the wash. Enoch helped get breakfast and dinner as Kanunga is sick. Thoebe went to see his mother yesterday and returned today. John played and I wrote letters. J. called on Mr. P.

29, Tues.

Thoebe washed. Did only half of what is to be done. Boiled baby's clothes and did the underwear. All other is left for tomorrow. The yeast of yesterday was not good. Very sour. So started fresh. This comes up and seems better. Shall bake early biscuits.

30, Wed.

Grandpa O's 79 birthday. Bread seems fairly good. Thoebe ironed this A.M. and the old Kikuyu woman washed the rest of the clothes. The kakhis were very dirty but she did them very well.

Mulungit returned this P.M. Had been away getting his cattle. The 4 boys were up this eve.


1, Thur.

Sponged and pressed J's black suit. Put many things away. J. paid up the men & sent them away for they were very lazy & would not work longer. Thoebe ironed this P.M. Still some to do tomorrow. Cracked some wheat for porridge. J. around here all day. Cleaned out the spring. Boys up again. Wrote Miss. letter.

2, Fri.

Chas. birthday. I finished ironing. Mended. J. fixed up tree house as study.

Mulungit is using the men today to put a place in the kraal for his cattle. Don't know when he intends bringing them. Has one here which we get the milk of. Baby very good & suny. Laughs so much.

3, Sat.

Baked cookies. Cleaned floors. Bathed this P.M. J. & men at the water ditch again.

Babe talks and laughs so much. Is beginning to grab at things. and lies for a long time watching his fist as it moves about.

Had early supper & walk afterwards. Went down to the ditch. Washed my hair.

4, Sun.

Got up late. Had a miserable night. Stomach all upset.

Had breakfast at 10. J went for 2 o'clock meeting but found only Mulungit there. We went up to tree house intending to have a long read but got sleepy and instead had a long sleep. J. on the floor. Babe & I on the couch.

Took a long walk this eve. Babe most always goes to sleep.

J's tooth troubles him. A double filled one which he split while eating some candy at Dr. Leys's.

It is so very hot and sultry. Think we must soon have rain.

5, Mon.

3 cankers in my mouth. J. pulled part of his tooth.

Thoebe & the Kikuyu woman washed. I did very little at it. Mended & fixed over some things. Measured M's girl and will go at making her clothes tomorrow. Also start school tomorrow A.M. Rained very very hard this eve. I was putting cushion up to window to keep wind out & pushed a window light out & broke.

6, Tues.

Started school. Boys carried baby's bed down and all went OK. Had school from 9 to 11 only. This P.M. Njairi or Jerry as I call her, M's girl, came & sewed and I worked at her Americani clothes. Thoebe ironed.

Nguru and Wawera returned with the plow. No rain so had walk after supper. Letter from Miss Slater only. Caught a big rat in the new trap last night.

7, Wed.

School again. M. & Njeri didn't hear the whistle so didn't come until 10. It makes me most sick when I think of all the things Mulungit pulled up & destroyed in the garden. And he doesn't seem to care a bit. All the grapes which have been growing ever since we are here and many other things. Boys up for m't'g.

8, Thur.

Cut out Njeri's kahki dress today. Shall try to get her things finished this week and next I want to get at baby's dresses. I can scarcely wait till I can put short clothes onto him – and yet I sorto' hate to too 'cause then he seems so much older.

J. & men at ditch.

9, Fri.

Good mail. Big letter from Hurlburt which rather changes our plans. He is eager for the trip across to Lake Tchad and says Jan. or Feb. J. too. Then we think he'll want us to go home after that. If so by next year this time we may be home. God knows. Todays letter from mama says next year a la Mr. Downing.

10, Sat.

Baked bread gingers & little cakes. Njeri helped clean floors. Finished her dress last eve.

J. called on Mr. Partington. Babe and I went to meet him.

Another Kikuyu died in the kraal. J. wrote a few letters.

Baby is very good. Have great fun when he gets a talking spell on. He's so cute.

11, Sun.

Were in no hurry to get up. Read late last night. J. wrote to Barnetts suggesting that they come here. Are anxious to know what they reply. The girls will be very much surprised no doubt.

Had 2 o'clock meeting with boys. Took baby.

Took long walk after supper. and a long read after the walk. Are anxious now to finish these books and get ready for the five volumes of Barth's should they come.

12, Mon.

Sent seven men, tent beds & a tin of cookies to meet the girls at Gilgil. Nguru washed. Wawera cut grass around the house. J. staid with baby this A.M. Assambur chief called, twice, but J. staid in the room as we had nothing to give them. Had a good walk. No rain today. Little last night.

13, Tues.

Just very little mail. Thoebe ironed this P.M. I am sewing at baby's short clothes. Cutting off several of his long dresses. Cut the white skirt Lora sent & made two. Also one woolen one.

The men still at the grass. They work very slowly. J. declares he has finished making maps.

14, Wed.

Sent the boys this P.M. to get strawberries from Mr. Partingtons garden. Had a dandy short cake for supper and some left for tomorrow. As we returned from our walk Mr. Partington with two men Mr. Anderton and Mr Bruce called for just a little while.

Wrote Dr. B. about baby's bowels. J. got 4 off.

15, Thur.

Sent Kanunga for peas from Mr. P's garden. Bro't a nice lot. M- sent up some dandy sweet potatoes from his garden. Had squash pie for dinner.

Couldn't take much of a walk because of rain. Shortened Mrs. D's gift dress today. Kikuyu woman finished the yard. J. puttied one window in girls room.

16, Fri.

Suppose the girls are leaving Gilgil today. Sewed “for further orders”.

Am not baking bread as there is some here still.

Letter from Barnetts telling us to send their things. but we shall wait 'til we hear again about their coming here.

17, Sat.

Took baby's picture several times. Two on the bed. One with coat on J. holding him. One of tree house and Thoebe was to take one of us on the veranda but moved it so it's no good. Baby's look pretty good. Developed them tonight. Baked cookies, pie and cake.

Got letter to Aunt A. & Mrs Rhoad off.

18, Sun.

Up in fairly good time. Read aloud considerable. Didn't go to P.M. meeting. J. went to Kraal to hold it & found his friends the Assambur chief etc. there. They at once asked him for a present. On Fri. they sat out side for a couple of hours waiting for him to finish his sleep – but he avoided them. So did he this time.

Put short clothes onto baby today. 3 months old. Weighs 15 lbs. He laughs so cute – a real laugh when I tickle him a little. Read tonight.

19, Mon.

Nguru washed today and Thoebe ironed. Got the things into the girls room. Expect them tomorrow. Tonight developed 3 pictures of baby taken today and printed others. Tree house is good. One of todays of baby looks as tho' 'twould be fine.

20, Tues.

The people came in about 10 A.M. Mr. Mc Kenrick came with them as escort. I excused school after reading. Men went for a little hunt. Bro't a paa. Mr. McK- shot it. Mutua came with them. Miss Simpson is looking out for him.

21, Wed.

Men went to Iam today. Got nothing but wounded two pigs. and think if they go out in the morning they can find them.

Miss Slater baked bread. I do the school work the rest of the week. J. about sick with a bad cold.

22, Thur.

Got breakfast very late. The men went out for the pigs but bro't home a turkey bustard. Monstrous bird. 16 lbs. & 7 ft. tip to tip. Didn't have numbers. Many hindrances. Sewed a little but can't make much headway. Njeri does her work every day. Tea & late supper. Men came in with 2 paa.

23, Fri.

Miss Slater went down to school to see how things go. Fear she's not much in love with her work. Men went to Iam River fishing. Went very early and got back for dinner. Got 7 small fish, 2 rabbits and 2 guinea fowl. Letter from Barnetts saying they will come.

24, Sat.

Baked, cookies, little cakes, and a loaf cake. Put the turkey to roasting. Got things ready as much as possible for tomorrow. Men didn't go out today. Mr. McK. has decided to start on Mon. so as to have a day at the Lake for shooting. Miss Slater insists on doing the bread baking.

25, Sun.

Had three meals today. Thanks giving dinner. Mulungit bo't a squash from an eskari so we had squash pie. Cold slaw baked beans, roasted sweet potatoes & mashed white potatoes, dressing. Miss Slater got me a “fruit press” potatoe masher for Xmas but gave it to me now. Had Eng. meeting at 9:30 and native – Mr. McK- taking the Kikuyu – at 2:30.

Put castor oil in baby's porridge which worked like a charm.

Had orange pudding for supper. 'Twas very good. J. was sick & had to give up his supper as well as some of his dinner. The Turkey was splendid. Cut my hand while cutting bread.

26, Mon.

Nguru left his brother while he goes to his home. Washed a big washing and got all dry between showers. Baby looks so queer in a dark yoked dress. So old. Every thing went alright today. Miss Simpson & I go to chapel. Mr. McK. left before 7. this morn. Miss Slater was up early and baked bread and biscuit for him.

27, Tues.

Ngurus brother washed the girls wash. Kanunga ironed this P.M. Sewed some at baby's red trimmed dress. Have sick headache tonight. Had a nice walk to where the men are digging at the ditch. It's coming quite fast. Letters from Barnetts & Riebe. & a remittance. B's want 55 men instead of 50 to bring them.

28, Wed.

Mutua ironed Miss Simpsons things. Most finished baby's dress it's very cute.

No walk because of rain. Boys didn't come up for meeting because of rain.

Started a letter to Lora. No letters to go.

29, Thur.

Thoebe and Miss Slater ironed at her things.

J. worked at the ditch all day. Is getting it higher than he tho't 'twould come.

Baby has been rather restless. Wish his bowels would be as they should. Used water this eve. Get very little sewing done.

30, Fri.

Expected big mail but instead got only a letter from Dr. Blackburn about what I'm to give baby. J. at ditch but didn't work so hard as yesterday. Boys up for sewing. Cut out and sewed at M's kahki suit. Gave him a blue blouse and white trousers of J's old ones.

31, Sat.

Baked cookies only. Miss Slater baked bread. Thoebe got cross because J. made him carry 6 pails of water because he wouldn't answer me when I spoke to him. Did his work with a long face. J. went to Mr. Partingtons. Babe & I went to meet him. Sewed a little. Got a letter & package of pictures off for Lora.


1, Sun.

Had our meeting at usual time and meals as formerly. But when we went for the boys meeting they had all gone so we had it after our supper.

Read some in David Copperfield but slept most of the time.

Had a long walk this eve. Way back on the hill. I did enjoy it so much. Baby did too tho' he slept some of the time. Read again this eve. but not long.

2, Mon.

Ngurus brother washed. We do Miss Slaters and ours together. and Miss Simpson has Mutua do hers. A very nice sunny day. After 9 until 3 it's most too hot to be out. Even the house seems very warm.

3, Tues.

Foreign mail. The Worlds Work from Mr. Reese with account of a Lake Chad trip in. One from Barnetts & we signed on 20 porters to leave in the morning. Mr. Partington sent note saying Mr. Collyar is coming & he goes to Nyeri. Beautiful sunset this eve. Baked drop cookies but not very good too rich.

4, Wed.

Raymond quite cross all day – fed him barley water for last P.M. feed. Cloudy today and much cooler. J. went to the Fort. Ordered a baby's register certificate. Will get it later. Boys up for meeting. Mutua sent another rabbit that he shot.

5, Thur.

Wanted Mr. P. to come for tea but he is too busy but will try to come some P.M. before he leaves.

Doing some writing. Miss Slater refuses to lead chapel so Miss Simpson takes last two days of the week. Each of the 3 boys the others.

6, Fri.

Only Miss Simpson got mail. Miss Slater baked bread this P.M. also a big coffee cake, did it today as she wants to spend tomorrow cleaning up the other house for Barnetts.

7, Sat.

Didn't do much baking. Got the cleaning done in pretty good time and got some letters off. Sent the two Masai books last Wed. so sent letters today. Also quite a lot of P.Cs. some Xmas ones I fixed with gilt. Had baths this P.M. babe & all.

8, Sun.

Meetings as usual all went to P.M. meeting. Wonder if Barnetts are unsettled today for they will likely start tomorrow. J. said it would be a very hard Sunday for him if he were in their place. We had a nice long walk again. Read quite a lot in David Copperfield. Will soon finish it.

9, Mon.

Rather rainy but got the wash all dry any way.

Suppose Barnett's are starting this morning. Am writing Alice & Flora & sending them little books with Kodak pictures in them. It takes time but they'll enjoy them. Finished David C-

10, Tues.

Got a letter from C.E.H. as we expected but 'twas very unsatisfactory as it told us nothing whatever of his plans here. Also several others a postal from Lo telling of the death of baby Kelhofer of pneumonia (Sept. 14). Boys ironed. Mr. Partington and Mr Bruce called for about 10 min. this eve.

11, Wed.

Mr. Partington leaves today for Nyeri. J. works at the garden now. Is transplanting trees etc from the old garden. The water comes alright now. The ditch needs a little deepening and widening yet. The boys all have gardens and are hard at work in them.

12, Thur.

Mutua bro't a small paa yesterday and we had some boiled today – it is very nice will have the two back quarters roasted tomorrow. It's only about half grown and hence very tender and nice. Rain every day. Mostly mornings. We surely tho't B's would get in today.

13, Fri.

Finished Ismalia. Miss Slater had a letter from Mrs. B. written on Sun. and she never mentioned a word about the men. Evidently they hadn't gotten there yet. We can't understand but hope they'll get in tomorrow. The roast today was fine. Miss Slater made some Yorkshire pudding too – fine.

14, Sat.

Rains every morning – starts a little before daylight and today kept on 'til almost noon. Baked a layer cake. Miss S. bread and buns & I a coffee cake. Baby is so cross the last two days. Guess he's picked up too much. J. wrote Mr. H., it's to meet him on the boat & he should write from there if he wants J. to come to Kijabe.

15, Sun.

Still rainy. We wanted very much to go away some place along the river or under some trees but it's too wet. So had meetings as usual. Tage was at P.M. meeting. He told us Mr. Collyar arrived yesterday. Had walk this eve, not very long tho'.

We wonder where barnetts are. Not very nice weather for traveling.

Reading Livingstone's Life.

16, Mon.

Very nice bright morning. Had big wash but got it all dry. No rain today. J. called on Mr. Collyar. Men worked on the road 'tween here & Station. Didn't get a nap. too busy on the road. so didn't read long tonight. Baby is very very good today.

17, Tues.

Foreign mail. The heir-loom dress came. also a letter from home. No further word from Barnetts. We can't understand why the men don't return if they couldn't find Barnetts. Expected Mr. Collyar but it rained again. Boys finished only part of the ironing.

18, Wed.

Mr. Collyar called. He looks very well. Is lending us a cook book. Very nice recipes and a great variety. Boys up for meeting. I had no letters to mail. Finished the road and are working in the garden transplanting trees etc.

19, Thur.

Barnetts got here about 3:30 P.M. Had just taken baby's picture with the heir loom dress on. He's pretty big for it but he had it on most of the day.

B's had a very wet safari. Came from Nakuru. Are quite tired this eve. Their men haven't gotten in yet.

20, Fri.

Barnetts busy getting settled. The men came about 9 A.M.

Got a leg of mutton. J. working at the garden fence. Boiled ham and lima beans for dinner. “Peloubets Notes on S.S. lessons for 1909” came as a gift from mama.

21, Sat.

J. finished the path from here to the garden. Something was at our potatoes last night. The boys say 'twas porcupines.

J. and Mr. B. went to Mr. Collyars. Mrs B & Miss Slater went to the Somalis and Miss S. & I went with baby to meet the men & got home just at dark. Read a little Got off a few letters today.

22, Sun.

Meetings as usual. Had roast and baked beans & tomatoes. Got quite a large Kikabo of tomatoes yesterday from the soldiers gardens. Rained a little last night.

Guess I must have gotten some fleas last night when passing the Somali's kraal for I've been troubled some & baby is all bit up. Had a long walk back on the hill along the Iam path. All went & had a good time but for the prickers that got into our stockings.

Had a sing tonight. Baby staid up for it.

23, Mon.

Washed and altho' cloudy we got all dry. J. working in the garden. The boys are hard at work in their gardens. Had prayermeeting tonight, the first of a week of prayer. Babe was quite restless last night because of his bites. Has a large sore on his head from a mosquito bite.

24, Tues.

The people are keeping house. Thoebe does their work. Njeri does Thoebes here. The men went up river today. Got back late and both feel rather bum for some reason.

Njeri & Kanunga ironed this P.M. but didn't finish. Very cold, rainy and windy tonight.

25, Wed.

John in bed most all day – just up for meals. Mr. B. held prayerm't'g tonight; talked to the boys in english.

Mulungit & a Kikuyu killed a sheep for us for tomorrow. Kanunga & Njeri finished the ironing.

26, Thur.

Thanksgiving Day. B's were here to dinner & supper. The boys & Njeri came up after supper for their “fress”. They seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. Played tricks and had a good time. Gave the boys coats which came in the boxes from home. Njeri too has a new blue apron from Mrs. B-.

27, Fri.

School again today. No mail for us. All are sort o' tired from yesterday and last night. Mutua not well either. Sewed late. Finished M's kakhi coat. Am glad to get that suit finished.

28, Sat.

Tried a lemon pie for dinner made from lime juice. Fairly good. Miss Slater ate dinner at B's.

Meeting again tonight. Afterwards J. played & I sewed. Finished baby's hemstitched dress so he can wear it tomorrow.

29, Sun.

Mr. B. led the morning meeting – a praise meeting. We read after breakfast & slept. Took baby to P.M. native meeting. J. talked then Mulungit spoke in Kikuyu. Full house and 3 outside.

This eve all came and we had a good sing.

Baby staid up a little to enjoy it. Yesterday and today have been very bright A few clouds this eve. How I wonder what we'll know by next Sun. or what we'll be doing & how & where we'll go for a walk.

30, Mon.

Very big wash. Two boils. Got all nice & dry. Thoebe bro't a sheep for Mrs. B. as a gift. Can scarcely wait to see tomorrows mail.

Thoebe bro't a leg and the liver for us. Very nice.


1, Tues.

Not one word of foreign mail nor any thing from Mr. Hurlburt. A short note from Mrs. Riebe saying received a cable that he (Mr H) was on the way. Check for Rs. 259 & B's men returned with loads from Nakuru. We gave them Rs. 50 toward their expenses. J. & Mr. B. at Collyars for lunch and as J. decided this P.M. to leave tomorrow for Kijabe Mr. C. had him up there for supper & Mulungit to inquire about Masai prophecy.

2, Wed.

John left this morning for Kijabe. It seems lonely without him tho' not so bad as last May. I sent money order for the 3 books of Mrs. Beeton's. 1 for myself one for Miss Slaters Xmas and Mrs. B. wants one. all different. Took a walk this eve. Mr. B. carried baby. Had prayerm't'g.

3, Thur.

I really believe baby misses J. They always have a big time after I get up before J. dresses, and he (baby) seemed to miss him this morn. This P.M. all went to Massagondis and Collyar had asked us to stop on our way back but Mrs. B. had a surprise lunch so altho we accepted his invitation Mr. B. staid behind and excused us all. Spose J. is at first camp out from Gilgil. Babe enjoyed the day.

4, Fri.

No doubt J is at Gilgil tonight. Big foreign mail. Pair of baby shoes and two pairs stockings from Chas. & Bessie. Photo from Zellers and quite a number of letters. Wrote mama. Father's Masai book came back with the wrapper off. Readdressed it & shall try it over.

5, Sat.

Getting things ready for Mrs. B's birthday tomorrow. We will all eat dinner over there. She isn't feeling well today. Suppose J. is at Kijabe now. Wonder if he has sent me a letter. Miss Slater baked bread. I didn't bake a thing. Iced the date cake I baked for her birthday. Had nice walk.

6, Sun.

Got up in good time and went to the garden for flowers. Mr. B. led meeting. Mrs. B. had charge of P.M. meeting. We tried having her birthday dinner a surprise but she suspected some thing was up. Then this eve we put 28 candles on their table & lit them & gave her her gifts and had candy and sang & played.

Kawanga came back from Kikuyu country also Enoch and his wife. Wish J. were here. I feel lonely for him tonight. Had a nice walk. Mr. B. carried baby. Njeri sleeps in B's kitchen. Reading at Livingstones Life.

7, Mon.

Wambogo washed. Njeri ironed a little. Hired 3 extra men for a few days to help Mr. B. he is putting down the stone steps and fixing the walk from the side door. Will also fix the railing. Finished the steps today. They are very nice. Had a walk this eve. Barthoili turned up today.

8, Tues.

A letter from J. but couldn't tell any thing definite as he hadn't seen Mr. Hurlburt who was at Mr. Knapps. Kanunga & Njeri ironed. Mr. Barnett & the men are working at the walk.

Took walk this eve. Miss Slater always goes along and carries baby some. Finished Lora's letter. Made Miss Simpson's Xmas Letter case.

9, Wed.

Finished the walk and did the one from front door to the side. Caught a rat in the trap set for the porcupines that are eating the potatoes.

Not feeling at all well today. Baby sleeps so much. Prayerm't'g tonight.

10, Thur.

Worked at Mrs B's Xmas gift. Mr. B. has posts at steps ready to put in. Put baby on the veranda in his traveling box. Seems to enjoy it. Mutua gave us a rabbit. Started a letter to Aunt Lorena. Slept so hard this P.M. and am sleepy again tonight.

11, Fri.

A short letter from J. but no news as he had not as yet spoken to Mr. Hurlburt. but had Council meetings all the time stopping only for meals. Had stamps returned from Nakuru. Mr. B. put in the rails on the steps. Nice walk tonight.

12, Sat.

Baked doughnuts. Very very good. Barnetts here to supper. Mulungit bro't a squash which he bo't for 25 cents. A very very large one. Had walk tonight. Baby enjoys being on the veranda every A.M.

Sent Aunt Lorene's letter. Started one to Susan & Elmira Ranck.

13, Sun.

Mr. B. led meeting. Mrs. B. not out. Mr. B here to breakfast. Miss Simpson saw to the P.M. meeting. Had the organ down. Had a full house again. Tage comes quite regular. Mr & Mrs B. here for supper. Mrs. B. is quite miserable these days.

Miss Slater, Babe & I had a walk. Wonder if J. wont be here for next Sunday's walk. O dear I hope so.

Finished reading Livingstones Life.

14, Mon.

Washed. Njeri ironed a little. Discovered that the handle to Miss Simpson's irons is broken. Am very sorry. No one seems to know when it happened. Mr. B. put in the rail down the steps. J. will be very much surprised I'm sure. All went for a walk.

15, Tues.

Kanunga & Njeri ironed. Miss Simpson got most all the letters. We got P.C. from Cora and babe got a package from Oneidan (booties) & Grandma (mittens) and two books from David Cook Co. All addressed to him. Wonder who sent the books. Nothing from J. A year ago today they got here: he and the two girls. How happy I was to see him again. Wish he'd have gotten here today.

16, Wed.

The porcupine which is getting at the potatoes got some of his quills into the trap. Mrs. B feels much better today. Got Miss Rancks letter off and a postal to Aunt Lorene. Mr. B. got upper & lower rails on the veranda. Turned the water into the garden.

Only half the boys came to meeting.

17, Thur.

Sewed part of the canvass bag I am getting for J's Xmas. Kanunga didn't do his work this morning so he missed his number work. Mutua ironed. Getting Christmas letters ready for Sat. mail. One week from tonight we will be having a time I suppose. Hope I'll hear from J. tomorrow.

18, Fri.

Baby 5 months. A letter from J. asking us to meet him on the path tomorrow. Hurrah. Finished his canvass bedding bag for Xmas. Got a number of letters ready to go tomorrow. Miss Simpsons camera came today. Very nice. May stay out over Sun.

19, Sat.

Went out to meet J. Met him about 11 just coming down the hill after the little swamp past Massagondis hill. We sat down and had lunch and discussed whether we ought to stay out over Sun. Decided we'd go a little above the station on the Guaso Narok. Have a beautiful camp. Let all the men go home. Baby doesn't seem to know J. very well. Every thing seems strange to him tonight.

20, Sun.

We did have such a quiet restful day today. Had breakfast about 11. Read a little & slept a little. Had next meal about 4. Roast meat and roast potatoes. Had a big fire last night so have nice coals today for roasting things.

Mosquitos and fleas have been biting baby awful. He is enjoying it out here today as much as we are I think. About 4:30 all the folks boys and all came. We had a jolly time for awhile but they soon returned.

We are expected to go right back to Kijabe. We are to hear positively on Tues. But we shall begin to pack and get ready to leave on Fri. or Sat.

21, Mon.

Had a cup of tea early and came home. Got here about 7. Miss Slater had breakfast ready - and we did enjoy it. Got the clothes ready for the wash and did a few other things. Very tired and indifferent about things. Mulungit wants very much to go to Kijabe to live. Hard to know what is best.

22, Tues.

Washed. Had word from Mr. H. that he intends going the second of Jan. So we got some things together. Put up a better floor in the attic & are tearing around for further orders. J. thinks we can leave here on Thurs. He saw Mr. Collyar who asked us for lunch Wed. (tomorrow). Very tired tonight. Developed pictures tonight none very good.

23, Wed.

Got things pretty well packed. B's take the stove for Rs. 25. Miss Slater the big lamp and water bottle & Miss Simpson 1 chair & the letter scales. We take the rocking chair & the others are left to be used by the people until we come back to pack for good. We took dinner with Mr. C. - & his men bro't me home in his new “gharry” [car]. We took pictures of it.

24, Thur.

My plates seem a failure. None are plain. We left about 1. Mrs. B. got dinner & bro't it to our house to eat. Think we got all things nicely put away only there's lots of dirt & trash around. Camping at the stony place where there is a big river now. Wanted to see Mr. C. but think he was sleeping so we came on. The folks came to the bridge. Wonder if I'll ever see Rumuruti again.

25, Fri. Christmas Day.

A rather strange Xmas day. We wanted to make a long march today as we have decided to go to Naivasha and want to reach the Morendat River for Sun. But only got to the place where we slept without a tent, and it began to rain very hard so we camped. The men are all so slow. Opened Miss S's box & found Rs. 25 & a beautiful white satin hood.

26, Sat.

Found we couldn't reach the M- River even tho' we got up early & marched hard. The men kept up fine. Think we'll change our minds & go to Gilgil. We have a lovely camp here at the big river which we don't cross but past a bend of. Are very tired tonight & somewhat disappointed at not getting to the M- River.

27, Sun.

Had a real lazy time of it today. Finished reading Marley's Ghost which we started on Friday. Had a late breakfast then went to the river & washed out a few things. Nice sun to dry them. Read a little & had a nap. Took quite a long walk this eve. Baby's cheeks are so red. He is getting very tanned. He seemed to notice J's whiskers today. In playing with him he'd just touch his face & then quick draw back his hand. 'Twas so funny. Been very windy and quite cool all day.

28, Mon.

Didn't go far at all. Were in camp by 12:30. The men wanted to go on but we didn't. This river is so nice.

Our chop box will just hold out. Started a letter to mama and wrote one to the Rumuruti people.

29, Tues.

Didn't leave camp 'til 9. Another man has the “Gents” waiting room. Are sending our goods down by tonights train so they'll be sure and be there. The men have already returned. Got some fruit that just came by this evenings train. Had good baths.

30, Wed.

Gov. & his party called here. Were ready for train in good time. Found Alta, Miss Hope & Mr. Propst on their way to Mt. Longenot. Mrs. H and the rest of the children are at Matra. Talked with Mr. H. this eve. He wants us to go home when they return from their trip. Miss Collins is staying here.

31, Thur.

We are in Alta's room. Two Mr. Mc Donnels visiting here tonight. Meeting at Riebe's. Can't get straightened up for the things are still at the station. We got a big Xmas mail yesterday. Mr. H. & J don't leave until Tues. Went to the station to meet Miss Grimes.


Dec. 31 1908.

Another year closed. What have I accomplished? Little enough God knows. I have past thro' experiences perfectly new and very very blessed. A year ago I could scarcely look ahead and see baby John Raymond such a little lump of sweetness.

I don't know how we ever got along without him as long as we did.

There never could be a better baby; even now altho' teething, he is still so good natured and happy.

I wish I could record more real definite work done but there has not been much of that. May God bless what has been done altho' so little and poor.

A year ago I scarcely saw myself where I am now for we have just arrived at Kijabe from Rumuruti – I suppose never to return. Not only because J. has different work but too because the Masai are to be moved near Nairobi. If that is the case no doubt our house will some time be used by settlers. [~1962 was part of Tucker farm.]

We are staying at Mr. Hurlburts. Have Alta's room for the present. Mrs. Hurlburt and children who spent Xmas at Matara will be home tomorrow or Sat. Then on Tues. Mr. Hurlburt & John will start on their visit to Uganda & the work in German territory. They hope to have word from Pres. Roosevelt as to whether or no we can get into Belgium territory. If we can, they will make a trip into that & then return and Mr. H. go to England and we go home to work up German young people for the work South of the Lake.

So it is possible that we will spend our next Xmas at home. We didn't expect it so soon.

What 1909 has for us we cannot tell. It is in God's hands and we are also so there's no need for worry. Only may I not miss the opportunities nor the responsibilities.

The past year has been a very happy one. God has been so good to us.

I may have a little teaching to do here either in school or music. I shall be so glad to help in some way. May my life be used in some small way to glorify my Jesus.

“Our help is in the name of the Lord.”


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